Lord Sterilicus

and before that 'Oubeter Oubhet'

I think Rose was the most pivotal character in the movie that crushes the notion of black men finding safety in the arms of white women. In some ways the way this movie played with preconceived notions reminds me a lot of Ralph Ellison's "Juneteenth".

So, I guess I won't be hearing them at Abercrombie & Fitch?

You should probably be careful where you hang out. It's a crime in Arkansas.

I suspect that her Aunt might not be a completely Godly woman and has a hunger for the ways of sin and iniquity.

I was saddened to learn this was not a documentary…

Don't squat with your spurs on…

Trump IS the mascot of every middle-management boss I have ever worked with. "All Hat, No Cattle"

Bregoli looks like a walking definition of "New Jersey"

Is this where we here the needle-scratch and then House of Pain comes on?

In Donald J. Trump's nightstand, yes.

The original "Blade Runner" was short on exposition (minus Deckard's narration)…you were just plopped down in the middle of this complete world and left to tease out possibilities surrounding the thin thread of the main plot. THAT is what made the original so everlasting as far as I am concerned.

I always wanted this movie to veer off into Emily Blunt secretly knowing he doesn't have to die but that she is really just getting off on making Tom Cruise suffer over and over and over….maybe title it "Again, Emily"

"Long-term use of lipid-soluble drugs: test positive for at least 1 week"…..what I'm studying is more interesting that ATDI

If "Wolves of Wall Street" had an all-Russian cast.

Big Lots…or GTFO

Somewhere Curtis James Jackson III is rubbing his hands together as if his diabolical plan worked better than expected.

My only question is how Tee Grizzley is going to "…keep this water 400 degrees Fahrenheit"?

I wish this whole Fyre Festival would turn into a Darwin Deez concept album…complete with a grilled cheese eating theme.

Sounds about right….he/she been watching too many Redwing boot commercials. Here in beautiful DArkansas we have lots of cutesy guys driving around with 'Punisher' decals on their fancy-pants trucks with lovely sayings such as "Your Mom said violence never solved anything…your Mom was wrong".