Lord Spango

MST3K had a ball making fun of "Spring Fever."

I would submit that Zoidberg with Amy and Herme's hair is infinitely creepier.

A D becomes a B so easily, boy. You just got greedy.

"I can't bring myself to smash it
So I take it for ride on a sunny summer Sunday afternoon,
Go riding with the top down, riding with the top down, riding with the top down, riding with the top down"

Poison - Your Mama Don't Dance
Leonard Cohen - Waiting For The Miracle
Spiritualized - I Think I'm In Love
Anamanaguchi - Mess
Atmosphere - God Loves Ugly
Bad Religion - Better Off Dead
Alice Cooper - Bed Of Nails
Weird Al Yankovic - Jackson Park Express
The Presidents Of The United States Of America - Mach 5
Anthrax - I'm The

I don't understand the deal with Jianying/Dachen Lachman yet. Am I to understand that her husband Mr. Hyde tore her apart and then put her back together? Maybe I missed something, but I'd really like to know why she has those scars.

That explains it. I stopped collecting in the mid-90s.

Since when has Psylocke ever been telekinetic?

Fallen Angels shout-out! I loved the fact that Bill (or was it Don?) was just as prime a catch as all the other mutants, simply because he was blue.

When she kicked Callisto's ass (without powers, natch) and won leadership of the Morlocks from her……that leather vest not only looked bitchin cool, it MEANT something.

Ehhhh…..I'll take the British version of Psylocke over both of them. Prim and proper Betsy…….sigh……

Hey, that last one is a super power? And here I thought I was a just a mere slob….

I always thought Data was the cutest. Or the girl character played by Martha Plimpton. Corey Feldman can fuck himself, I'm sure he's used to it.

Biebs is back! In pog form!

He's got you there, AV Club.

Only Khav Kalash!

Rocky gets seconds!

For one glorious night, I was going to play Frankenfurter. Then the regular showed up just before it started.

STOP IT!!!!!

"And after 10 p.m., the finest R-rated movies Europe has to offer. Ooh La La!"