Lord Spango

Both excellent choices that showcase Al's range. I will always love "Mellow" for its in-your-face geeky energy, as well as Al's reference to his pre-vegetarian lifestyle. "Skipper Dan" I love for the sheer, relatable pathos that just OOZES from that song. And, like most of his songs, these two have great, catchy

"Oh my God!"

We need a gif of Joan Calamezzo's Gotcha dancers, stat.

Upvoted not for the story, but for your bravery in telling it (and this goes to all the similar stories in these comments).

Perhaps if you focused more on new, different flavors for your human jerky? I do really like your curry flavor, though.

Will there be an S&M/farmer themed suite for myself and the missus?

Dammit, you beat me to it by less than 20 minutes.

Rapey Donald and the Trumpkind don't realize his goose is cooked. Sad!

So sea lion meat tastes fishy, but has all the great health benefits of (what's presumably) red meat!
And curry seasoning to make sure it really sits well on the stomach. I always thought I'd eat a curried anything, but this article puts lie to that idea.

You've got a fresh sound. You'll do well at this school.

(In the style of Fred Armisen's Venezuelan bureaucrat from that one episode of Parks and Recreation)

11 hours later…your comments are still here, lucky us

Screams, jumps out window

"Aw Billy, the public doesn't like me. Why don't they like me? I hate them so much. If only I could get them to vote for me, I'd make them pay."

Beema's the only sandwich around here, man.

You might have liked the episode where the Ghost and the gang went to visit Gary, aka the original voice of Space Ghost.

Your ideas, maybe. My ideas when I'm stoned? Resplendent!

I loved the black and white episodes with the phone ringing constantly and the bad poetry running on the bottom of the screen, with Peter Fonda claiming he was Odin and someone else. I think they were called "Perfect Pt.1 and 2" and they were the most bizarre things I had ever seen on TV ever.

"Piledriver." As if I needed another reason to love the dearly departed Randy "Macho Man" Savage. So many great lines.