Lord Spango

I'm starting to think the cookies in this airport lounge aren't gluten-free.

I thought Futurama had the definitive take on LA: rival gangs of kids trying to kill you, Pauly Shore stealing your girlfriend, they put cilantro on freaking EVERYTHING….

That truly was a shitty bar with the shittiest owners/employees I've ever seen on a TV show. That fat blond owner was one the stupidest, most worthless excuses for a human being I've ever seen on reality TV. ("I need you to be working!" to fat blond owner on cell phone, who replies "I am working! I'm networking!")

Mickey's Diner the boxcar in downtown St. Paul or the Mickey's Diner in the southern part of the Highland Park neighborhood of St. Paul?

Because they come in every shape and size?

Give me one of your young on a roll.

Armed with seven rounds of space doo-doo pistols

Kirk sounds like the kind of guy that I would love to hang out with. Good freaking taste in music (obviously, I love Metallica) and a connoisseur of horror movies. This guy is who I aspire to be.

Also, I LOVED Montez's dramatic hamster face.

Goddamn, Alice pre-management is/was, like, my DREAM girl.

I haven't written anything in a long while, but I'm tempted to try to write a Nicholas Sparks-style romantic weeper soon. After all, how hard can it be to crank out pablum like this?

Frank Sinatra - Witchcraft
Machines of Loving Grace - Butterfly Wings
Julie Andrews - The Lonely Goatherd (from The Sound Of Music)
De La Soul - Breakadawn
Queen - Bicycle Race
Missy Elliott - Get Your Freak On
Rasputina - Barracuda (Live)
Reverend Horton Heat - Bales of Cocaine
Donnie Iris - Ah Leah
Metallica - Blackened

Good catch, I should have remembered to add that part. Sets up the whole rest of the quote.

RIP Stan Freberg.

Hah…..that would be a delicious subversion of expectations. Would still rather see Norman kill her, though.

Agreed. I just can't function if I've got active mudbutt going on.

If it has Night Ranger's "Secret of My Success" in it I'm in.

"I'm with you pally, forget the head! Put a bag over it and do your business!"

I have always been old……Wait….

Be nice to the children, for when society collapses, they shall be both the easiest to trap and the most delicious to eat.