I'm so sorry you and your family have to deal with this kind of crap. Speaking as a bipolar dude who takes his meds, he needs to realize that he's only hurting himself and you and do something to stop/fix that.
I'm so sorry you and your family have to deal with this kind of crap. Speaking as a bipolar dude who takes his meds, he needs to realize that he's only hurting himself and you and do something to stop/fix that.
"Merry Christmas, I Don't Want to Fight" by the Ramones
Maybe I'm a pho nazi, but isn't pho by definition made from beef?
I'm game if my schedule allows. ICP either has or had my number.
"What animal is [the McRib] made from? Pigs? Cows? Sheep?"
Did they ever explain why Abbie responded to the Piper's music as an adult? And no other adults were affected, just kids?
Z-Nation is actually pretty good. It's fun.
That's better than the best idea Murphy et al. are going to come up with. Make it so, Murphy; you already stole our idea for AHS: Hell Circus, so do it again. We deserve a TV show based on the Lovecraft and the Elder Gods.
We want the Chakra movie to be like Germany: ambitious and misunderstood.
We need a new White Wolf-based show. The system is great and lends itself pretty nicely to natural conflict and characterization. And if we could mix it together with not just the vampires and the werewolves, but also mages and the fairies, it would be great.
Good night, Ned!
You think Tyrese didn't finish the job again?
It sure is, Morvo!
Was this episode the one where Maggie was trapped in her Swing-A-Ma-Jig?
All I need to be high on is love for my son and daughters. Yes, a little LSD is all I need!
You have a fresh sound. It'll play well in this town.
I moved here from Canada, and they think I'm slow, eh?
Was Night Nurse the character who kept stealing people's organs and leaving them to die?
I loved the girl singer at the beginning singing a jazzy "Don't Stop Me Now" from queen. She was quite a looker too, in that dress.