I'm with Mike Vago - give me the Muppet Show any day, and the Adam West Batman, and that's pretty much most of my loves before I was 10 years old.
I'm with Mike Vago - give me the Muppet Show any day, and the Adam West Batman, and that's pretty much most of my loves before I was 10 years old.
Fucking loved Sledge Hammer. Loved it. Wish some channel would still show it. The end of the show remains one of the best endings I ever saw.
I watched the hell out of Batman when I was a kid. I was shocked to discover I still enjoyed the hell out of it as an adult, just…..in a different way.
I remember Misfits of Science being a lot of fun at the age of 6 or 7. Brisco County Jr was another favorite when I was slightly older.
I loved Rocky and Bullwinkle, not just the segments focusing on them and Boris and Natasha, but all the other ones like Fractured Fairy Tales, Mr. Peabody, Dudley Do-Right, it was like SNL for kids, except a lot funnier.
The original V freaked me the fuck out. The dude eating a live mouse, the warehouse full of frozen body parts…..shudder….I even dreamed those giant city sized spaceships were flying over my house.
More people punching and generally harassing Leith, please!
Catherine seems to view Nostradamus as one of the closest things she has to a friend, so his betrayal of her last episode (when he and Mary poisoned her) has got to hurt. Conflicted feelings and all.
I really hate to see the growing tension between Lola and Mary. Both Lola and Greer are the only friends of Mary whose counsel is worth a damn (both smart, ethical ladies) and both of them are removed from communication with Mary (Lola due to Mary's distrust, Greer from staying away from court).
True words, man. Weird Al doesn't cut that close to the bone usually, but when he does, he draws a lot of blood.
The Lorde poster still showed Randy's mustache, it just looked like he had covered the mustache with makeup (the outline of it was visible). I could be wrong, of course.
Let's Fighting Love was an instant classic ("protect my balls")
If you haven't heard the Moog Cookbook remix of Kelly Watch the Stars, you should check it out.
Admit it, you just think he's hot.
We got snazzy suits and ties
And a better dental plan than the FBI!
Did anyone else keep thinking that Wells was being played by Zachary Levi (aka Chuck)?
She & Him - Sweet Darlin'
Guns'n'Roses - Night Train
Men at Work - Who Can It Be Now?
Bad Religion - Stranger Than Fiction
Dethklok - Thunderhorse
Skinny Puppy - Icebreaker
Tori Amos - Angie
Leonard Cohen - Take This Waltz
Liked for the Cure and cool Joy Division covers - and yes, even Gnarls Barkley (though I'm with you on the skeevies there).
Fuck yeah, Eric B and Rakim!
Liked for SCOTS, Bootsy, Frank, and Bob & Doug Mackenzie