I kinda got the impression that Ethan missed the last ring toss on purpose due to the pressure he felt from the bar crowd and his grandfather.
I kinda got the impression that Ethan missed the last ring toss on purpose due to the pressure he felt from the bar crowd and his grandfather.
Represent. I love Hooked on Classics. HOC 2 was my favorite of all of them, mainly for A Night at the Opera, Hooked on Baroque, and the two Strauss-y marching tracks. It's ranked somewhere near 25, give or take, as far as my favorite albums of all time.
Well, this shuffle took a couple of strange turns.
Two Devos are better than one.
I think I just discovered a new musical pleasure. More of this shit, please.
I'd watch that. Speedball Classic!
The study might have proved something if they had, say, instead of giving chips to people, just told them there were some chips somewhere and letting them find them and eat them if they so desired.
You know, I bet if we unraveled that sucker it would roll all the way down to Fargo, North Dakota
Toys in the Attic is really good. Early Aerosmith > All other Aerosmiths. I like the songs where they actually sound like a raucous rock band, not when they write those goddamn power ballads that seemed to make up most of their 90s output.
She was one of the best out of a very good cast of actors in Dollhouse.
THANK YOU! I tell my friends who like it that it tastes like the juice of 9-month-old unwashed gym socks leavened with just a bit of rotten swamp water. They persist in ignoring me and my irrelevant opinions.
I would have been intrigued to see them attempt to make communication with the Gulanee before they went into kill-it mode. They would surely have a unique point of view.
No, that definitely happened. I didn't just imagine that. My imagination has never treated me so nicely.
The only places you see corsets any more is at Renaissance Festivals or wherever there are, I dunno, Japanese Goth Lolitas or in certain nightclubs.
I thought this was a great episode for the most part, chiefly because of Stahma and her machinations. And also because of the fleshing out of what the Castithan society must have been like. I loved the scene between her and the holy man in the alley, with her moving in a kind of lilting dance around him, cooing…
Waiting on Lying Cat in 3….2…..1…..
If anything, Ryan blew off Jenna this week. I hope he doesn't become too much of a self-absorbed ninny to end up with her.
Jenna pining (or at least showing some interest) for Ryan is a cool development, and Ryan being too distracted/absorbed to notice the change in her behavior towards him. I'm reasonably certain that Drew is going to be back before the season ends, so it'll be interesting to see if they actually try to resolve the love…
Christmas Card is heartbreaking, evocative and hopeful song. Tom is perfect with it, of course, but I'm also partial to Neko Case's cover of it.
That's such a great, haunting song. One of the prison song greats, along with Merle's Mama Tried.