No sarcasm, that is a truly beautiful story. I wish we could all have such wonderful resolutions and relationship.
No sarcasm, that is a truly beautiful story. I wish we could all have such wonderful resolutions and relationship.
Hmmmppphhh. Weird Al would have that a palindrome, because Weird Al is awesome.
A big chunk of hair metal, some 80s prog-ish rock and the odd partners MF Doom and Hank Williams. Eh, I'll take it.
Amy Acker
Mads Mikkelsen
Karen Gillan
Kristin Kreuk
Michael Emerson
Mila Kunis
Maggie Q
The lady that played Raina on Agents of SHIELD
The redhead from Under the Dome
Started my first job in a long time today - a contract position doing helpdesk for a large national corporation. Could lead to permanence, but right now I'm just learning the ticketing system and the various corporate rules. I'm happy to have it and am going to do my best for it.
Up with Ambush Bug! Down with Doop!
Me too! We're able to survive on any blood type, while you plebes actually have to wait to find a match! Ha ha!
False - I believe there's eight blood types because each of the four types (A, B, AB, O) can be positive or negative.
Let your feet stomp.
I'm cat-iously optimistic about this gimmick.
Just one more reason why kids today SUCK.
There was a time, at least at my conservative Christian high school, that Janet was much bigger than MJ. Around when Rhythm Nation 1814 came out, (i think) beore Dangerous came out. I personally loved the title track and If, which was fascinating lyrically and sonically (I especially loved all the faux-Asian…
"To millions, she was simply "Janet.""
Everyone seems to forget the Dracula story whereby he needs to travel/sleep in soil of his homeland. Even though I don't believe in vampires, vampires is precisely what would spring to mind if I found a coffin filled with soil in an airplane or a freighter.
OK, OK, I'll bite. Last Ship actually has interesting characters and legitimate moral dilemmas, not as many explosions as you'd think, and a genuinely compelling premise. Falling Skies is still good, Lexi-as=Daenarys has some intriguing stuff going around her, what with the doubting Thomases of her brother and mother…
All Your Base Are Belong To Us.
You should smell his loincloth.
Hey, is your name Scott? Because you're being a giant dick.
Of course he would've had been honored by it. The song makes him out to be the worlds's biggest badass, and also documents his erotic adventures with a manatee. 2 for the price of 1!
Some songs that are probably a bit too on the nose: