I thought they already made a movie out of Logan's Run.
I thought they already made a movie out of Logan's Run.
It was April the 41st, being a quadruple leap year. I was driving in downtown Atlantis. My Barracuda was in the shop so, I was in a rented Stingray, and it was overheating. So I pulled into the Shell station - they said I'd blown a seal. I said, "Fix the damn thing and leave my private life out of it, OK pal?"
Where the hell did Yasumoto get a death clock?
I haven't seen all of Wilfred, but since when has Bear been done by an actress? I've never seen Bear do anything but sit there and be molested by Wilfred.
I've also heard the question phrased as Beatles or Doors?
Do as I say!
The season two ending of Terminator was balls to the wall crazy in the best kind of way. Much as I loved Dollhouse (and I really fucking loved Dollhouse), I think I might have wanted to see a third season for Terminator more.
Weird Al Yankovic Shuffle, in honor of the release of Mandatory Fun - a list this long that doesn't even include one song from every album of his I own.
Martha is one of the saddest songs I know. Still love it.
Hell yeah, Sonny Sharrock!
Wow! A fad spanning two decades!
Heh….if Hank Hill was still around today, I bet he'd eat those words, seeing how he's funnier and more clean-cut than any other artist between this episode and now.
I remember back in the mid 80s, I saw Weird Al at one of those kiddy stages at Valleyfair (a local theme/amusement park) and I remember being irritated at the fact that the place was about half full. This was a free show if you were at Valleyfair that day. Al killed it like Hannibal, and I think it was my first…
This is a good thing. Just one of the many things that Weird Al has given that embiggens us as a commentariat.
He also makes a mighty fine jellybean and pickle sandwich….for what it's worth.
Do you hate Christmas and puppies and beautiful flowers too?
That's called tear-jerking, dimtwit!
Partyman was perhaps the best song off that soundtrack, and that's saying something.
Haven't you ever heard of the healing power of laughter?
I don't remember anything before I was five or six. Oh, if only there was some sort of memory enhancer I could use to access those memories!