Lord Spango

That scene came horribly close to making me creeped out by Will's dogs. They're sometimes the only likable characters we've got.

He is. You should meet him sometime.

It never ceases to amaze me that he isn't more famous or even well-known. The characters of Fafhrd and the Grey Mouser alone should be an easy ticket to immortality. I should be thankful, I guess, that they've never tried to make a movie franchise out of them.

I'd definitely pick POI over The Good Wife, but that's just me. My mom is a big fan of both, and I think she'd probably choose The Good Wife over POI.

Eh, it's not for everyone, I'll readily admit that. There's a lot of things that seem like they should be right up my alley, but just aren't.

I have at least two friends who both love little better than talking about old JRPGs. They're both dudes, and one is married already, if you were wondering.

I was walking to the kitchen for some Golden Grahams when I accidentally stepped into an alternate dimension, and soon I was abducted by some aliens whose faces kinda looked like Jamie Farr.
They sucked out my internal organs and they took some Polaroids and said I was a darn good sport, and as a way of saying thank

Thanks! Gives me something to look forward to!

Tom Waits is another good dealmaker for me, but people who love Weird Al Yankovic are even more precious!

We know what you think!

The movie Cemetery Man. People who love hair metal unironically. The book Fool on the Hill. Fans of Harlan Ellison, Fritz Leiber and Theodore Sturgeon. And Lovecraft.

Any episode with Weird Al is pretty much gold. And Neko Case was on a few months ago, and I think she won the Internet for the day, because she was freaking hilarious.

I don't think Jonah Ray is that great, so it's no real skin off my nose if I don't see him on @Midnight.

I do! That was really….something.

What ever happened to Rain?

This is a great, surprisingly fun show that I still can't quite believe I like as much as I do. I sneered during the first couple episodes, was hooked by the fourth.

Hey now, southwest Minnesota is a lovely place to visit, especially this time of year. See the corn! Visit some potlucks! Enjoy the cosmopolitan pleasures of Mankato!

"And shit" is totally the new "in bed" or "in love".

Can I just say that PDN killed it with this review. It was informative, insightful and entertaining.

Only I may dance.