Lord Spango

Is it weird that I feel bad for Fierman's character even at the end, even after all the horrible things she did?

Christina Aguilera - Candyman
The Red Elvises - Closet Disco Dancer
DJ Shadow - Devil's Advocate (Heaven Vs. Hell)
The Specials - Monkey Man
Joan Jett - Bad Reputation
Howlin' Wolf - Wang Dang Doodle

Wu-Tang's 36 Chambers goes down smooth on almost any occasion. And is for the children.

You gotta listen to that Leary guy. He's taken every drug a thousand times and he seems pretty on the ball.

You're pretty close to what I've always hoped for
That's why my love for you is fairly strong
And I'm never going to leave you darlin'
At least til something better comes along.

Being dead in AHS has never precluded characters from still showing up in AHS.

A very delicious boy!

You're the One for Me, Fatty

My brother is right there with you on waiting for the new one. And I enjoyed the TV show quite a bit, but my brother tells me the books are SO MUCH better, so I'm inclined to be excited for reading them.

Homeboys in Outer Space!

And cheesy!

Like a decade ago, that show was. I'm just about ready to start Storm Front and all I really know about the books is from the TV show. And my brother, who's a huge fan of them.

Amen to that. Enver Gjokaj is basically the male Tatiana Maslany, and I would love to see a show that was just those two doing a different role every time.

Todds have gotten a historically bad rap in my opinion. There are some cool Todds in pop culture. I know some cool Todds in real life.

Right? I don't see Emily being really happy with David once the shock of seeing him again wears off. I suggested further up that I would love to see David become a big bad for next season, and it makes a certain kind of sense - after all, he's apparently the WORST FATHER IN THE WORLD.

Yeah, I saw that, but it's the thing that she and Alison are the only ones who have tried to have kids as far as we know. Cosima, even if she's bi, hasn't tried to our knowledge. We don't know about the clones like Katja or Beth, or Helena - though Helena never really tested it, she is Sarah's twin, and if any of the

Fucks no! Nolan is definitely the Willow of Revenge.

Or Revenge for Victoria against Emily. In fact, if this show lasts more than two or three seasons more, it'll probably be the people Emily took down who are going for Revenge against her.

Oh shit, don't even say that. If that happened, it would be freaking AMAZING. All bets would totally be off that point.

So who currently knows that Emily is Amanda Clarke? Victoria, Nolan, Jack, Aiden, Conrad (?) and the lady psychologist? Why the hell is she considered trustworthy at all? Or did I miss that part while I was out having a smoke?