Lord Spango

That's a really interesting point. Obviously Emily will be overjoyed when she finds him out (whenever that happens) and then almost immediately confused and angry over why he let her do all the dirty work. And if Conrad is still alive, it'll be interesting to see what the real picture of his and David's dealings is

We don't know. We'll see. Might be hard to do plotwise (after all, Conrad knows who did it) but it's possible. Czerny is so fun in the role I'd like to see him come back, if it makes sense story-wise.

Boy, Emily's smacking Victoria across the face with a shovel felt incredibly satisfying and well-deserved.

I hope it DOES become Revenge against my own Father.

I thought it was established that Sarah was the only clone to give birth, but does that mean other clones can't or the other clones haven't tried?

Sigh. Kings. That was a heartbreaker; I would have loved to see what seasons five or six of Kings would have looked like.

Good call!

Liked for ambuscades. Bonus likes if that's not actually a real word.

"And the Loch Ness Monster was standing there on the front porch. And he said, 'Uh, I need about three-fitty.'"

I don't believe you can properly say 'Muhricka!" without beating your chest repeatedly like a silverback gorilla.

What are you, some sort of Gay Fish?

"So surly and lazy."

(in Jean-Ralphio-like speak-sing)

80's and Hair Rock Shuffle, apparently

She flies around in a giant mortar and pestle!

Who's going to kill Speedball? I loved that hyper-kinetic little bastard.

So is everyone OK with Poochie?

I wonder if there are any people less suited to raise a healthy child than Dina and Michael Lohan. Maybe some of those parents who try to drown their kids in cars or something.

That you are, good sir. It's even in your name.

Oooohhhhboy…I'm steering clear of this one.