Lord Spango

Was that when her dad was trying to cajole something like $40,000 to buy her brother a new car for his birthday or something?

So you say this comment section is your territory, eh? I think Scrawler and Dikachu might disagree, not to mention myriad other commenters…

That's what I was wondering, about Norman's possible necrophelia. The flashback didn't show any sex going on, the semen had to get into her somehow, and frankly I don't see Norman as having the nerve to have sex with her at that point when she was alive. Plus, I don't know, it kind of rings true with his character,

He's even played a talk show host before, on the gone-but-not-forgotten Battlestar Galactica prequel Caprica.

Fuck that noise. Even CBS can't be that desperate.

Don't go mashing up universes on me, bucko.

Is that for real? That's just horrible.

Alright, I thought somebody would get to this joke, but if not…I guess it's up to me.


Come sweet slumber enshroud me in thy purple cloak…

I don't think I was in the first wave of 2600 owners, since I had it in and around 1985-86, but I can't remember how I even found out about the Easter egg. I don't think I just stumbled across it by accident.

Don't worry, Marge. Her idea of wit is nothing more than an incisive observation humorously phrased and delivered with impeccable timing.

Evil Daniel has been a long time coming, but my God, he's turning out to be more evil than his parents (well, not Conrad…he's yet to push anyone into helicopter rotor blades). Not to mention he is indirectly responsible for Pascal's death, seeing as how he ratted out Pascal to both of his parents separately. And since

I hope we get to see more of FBI Agent Thorne, though I believe Victoria is in too deep to ever believe it if she sees it.

Some great synchronicity between Nolan's red-splattered ensemble and Conrad's red-(and brain, and viscera) splattered suit.

I remember playing Adventure and working tirelessly to get to the easter egg room, which was nothing but a room where it had the designers name (I think) in glowing multicolor letters. Not worth it.

We like your Mom better than you.

My mom likes The Good Wife, Revenge, NCIS, Castle, Scandal, Blue Bloods, Rizzoli and Isles, Major Crimes, Judging Amy, The Mentalist, and she spends a shit-ton of time watching Matlock reruns on that Inspiration network.

He does! His pupils are totally slit vertically like a cat. It's a little eerie.

I play piano, cello, bass guitar, baritone and tuba. It's like a comprehensive list of every instrument you can play that women just won't give a shit about.