God, the Dells is a whole other thing entirely. It's like a regional theme park except it takes up a whole mid-size city. I have ridden the mighty Ducks and lived to tell the tale! Then I went to Robot World.
God, the Dells is a whole other thing entirely. It's like a regional theme park except it takes up a whole mid-size city. I have ridden the mighty Ducks and lived to tell the tale! Then I went to Robot World.
I never thought of piker as a regional term, but anywhere there are Scandinavian people or their descendants, there you will find pickled herring. Just be glad it's not lutefisk.
I am.
Cemetery Man (or Dellamorte, Dellamore, the original title). Funny, scary, grotesque, overwrought (in the best possible way) and a total mind-fuck that requires at least two viewings to let it all sink in.
He may be (and perhaps probably is) worthy of your admiration and proclamation of godhood, but the fact remains that I don't know who he is, or what he's done. And I will not celebrate him unless I am given a legitimate reason to do so.
"When you someone eat it" - is a time-honored (and, to be honest, somewhat played out) meme that all commenters who've been around here a little while would recognize.
That's not even a sentence. When you someone eat it is a more coherent statement.
Hey, the midwest is far more reliably liberal than any other areas except for the west coast and the north east coast. Certainly more so than the south or the southwest.
Being a Minnesotan, I used to love all the subtle swipes and potshots they would take at Minnesota, Wisconsin and Iowa. I vaguely remember one joke that referenced Tomah, Wisconsin that had me ROTFL.
Who the fuck cares what happened to John Saxon?
A horrible tragedy for the sherpas and their families and loved ones. My condolences to all and serve as a reminder that sherpas regularly risk their lives in order to serve as guides to the greenhorns.
Cyd Charisse is pretty damn sexy. I don't know if she's as traditionally attractive as someone like Lana Turner, but with her legs and her smile, she does it for me just fine. I also thought it was cool that she overcame polio to become known as a dancer as well as actress.
It's more entertaining than you might think. Beatty plays a senator who suffers a bit of a mental breakdown. It's kind of like a feature-length version of the army man who becomes a pimp in Idiocracy.
What's all this then? I got plenty of web sites telling me it's Hedy, not Hedly or Hedley when we're talking Lamarr. Which is it? Hedly, Hedley or Hedy?
For guys, beautiful is generally a universal thing, while sexy = totally subjective from person to person. And for the record, Audrey Hepburn is really hot (beautiful) but not necessarily hot (sexy).
I'd say probably at least four days, maybe five. Just imagine the food orgy that will commence on the fifth or sixth day.
O My God those things are fucking terrifying. They're of sufficient size and shape of their freaking - carapaces - that look perfectly designed to chew on some balls. And they look like burrowing worms, too. I live in MN and thank you for yet another layer of fear laid on to taking a crap.
Bill the Cat, whether the lead singer of the Boingers, Fundamentally Oral Bill or somewhere in between, was the best character in the strip. Way cooler than that damn Portnoy.
Thomas Roberts from MSNBC's Way Too Early was nearly dancing for joy with the announcement of Mrs. Doubtfire 2 a couple mornings ago.
The fact that Ramon now knows about Cosima and Sarah as well as Alison is worrisome, and even though he probably won't say anything that would incriminate himself, he will at the least think the clones are the hottest and the coolest triplets in the world.