Lord Spango

I love how Ramon was constantly checking out everyone in his path - Alison, Felix, Cosima and Sarah. Probably going to get with Felix first. And then have him hook up with - oh, let's say Alison - and we've got our Felix and clone threesome ready to go!

This comment kind of breaks my brain a little. It is my duty to report you to the Word-o's and see if they will fine you or fete you. It's gotta be one or the other.

We should save that for the inevitable sitcom spinoff.

There are people starting out just awful in their behavior and experience, and it can be fun to watch them crash hard into reality. But it really doesn't get much better than watching an outraged Gordon Ramsey sputter about the horrible filth and lax standards evident in the restaurant.

Man, I really have to have dinner at your place sometime. Everything you cook always sounds delicious.

She's a saint

The only experience I've had where there were (nearly) no people in the theater was when I went to see Bulworth with Warren Beatty. I actually thought I was alone until after the movie was over, when I discovered that a guy I knew through choir was also there sitting in the back. We joked that we should've smoked some

Agreed about not trusting or rooting for Francis in any situation recently. I think he listens too much to his mother, who definitely doesn't have Mary's best interests at heart. And locking up Mary - I can understand where he's coming from logically, but as a newlywed husband deciding to lock up his wife because he

WaitaminuteWaitaminuteWaitaminute - I thought Starburns was dead! What did I miss?

Brian Posehn? Nick Offerman?

I'm afraid I still don't quite understand why Cas decided to accept the role of leader, or if he got unlimited grace from Metatron. (I was flipping back and forth between Supernatural and Marvel's AoS).

I loved all of the first three Bunnicula books, and I honestly thought that Bunnicula was one of the most adorable things around. Something about how he never said anything and just basically behaved exactly like a rabbit would. I loved Harold's point of view, and to this day if I ever get a cat I'm going to name him

Good on you for cutting back on your drinking, but I still think you're being unreasonable on your appearance. I stand 6'1 and weigh at least 270 pounds AND I'm starting to go bald, and will probably shave my head sometime soon to counteract it. You also say you haven't dated in seven years, I haven't dated for more

Liked for having mezcal (any mezcal) on the list. Too many people lump it in with Tequila.

Weird Al Yankovic - Skipper Dan
Frank Sinatra - The Coffee Song
Rockwell - Somebody's Watching Me
Dethklok - Castratikron
Shonen Knife - I'm a Super Girl
Harry Belafonte - Jump in the Line
Cypress Hill - Lick a Shot

I thought the kid was using a shovel.

Ice Cream Planet, you live here, you KNOW we don't sound like that. Well, most of us at least.

I loved the slow reveal, as Root and Shaw sipped their fruity drinks, of the complete and total destruction in the Miami bar. "Next time, stick with dealing drugs, not arms."

Anyone else feel tragedy looming as Cas gave in to become leader of the angels, and how happy they seemed to be called by him?

TIRED - I agree with Dan, that this guy's jealousy is definitely compensating for something. Getting shirtless pics from guys? If you don't think something is going on with that, imagine he was getting topless pics from girls. He's bi, it's the same thing.