I can see (or, really, hear) the connection there! Good catch!
I can see (or, really, hear) the connection there! Good catch!
That's a great analysis of the whole situation! I couldn't have (and didn't) put it any better!
Ha! Deliciously mordant!
Jesus Christ, man, that sounds terrific! Maybe we should do a meetup at your place (we others can bring a little cash to pay for supplies or do a potluck or whatever)!
You ain't missing much. (although as fast food goes, you could do worse than Wendy's).
Honestly, at this point I'd give the advantage to Will. Hannibal may be the consummate chess player but Will has been studying - and focusing on - Hannibal's game for part of last season and all of this season. This is gonna be the original rock and a hard place all over again.
I thought that was "Like a Virgin".
Looks like we're going to get a full-on Hannibal dinner with Jack and Will as guests.
You mean a Frosty(TM).
Awwww, man - why didn't you invite me over? That sounds delicious.
They had a lot of woodwind grace notes throughout the episode, the hopeful yet foreboding flute or clarinet when Will was leaving the prison, and the recurring trills of woodwinds scattered throughout the episode along with the asynchronous drums, which often (especially the scene at Chilton's house when Hannibal…
The real signal that the tables have turned - Will, barely containing a smirk, tells Hannibal something like "You've finally become interesting to me" - if I was Hannibal I would first be chilled by the implications, and then give Will a slow clap over how he turned Hannibal's own words against him.
Beavis and Butthead made the exact claim as yours when they were watching Cash's video for "Delia's Gone".
I'd love to smoke with this guy and watch these movies. In particular, Possessed and The Raven are movies I've never really heard about but he makes them sound awesome.
Everything you say about Joan Jett here is cool, and totally true. And the cherry on the sundae? Not only is she all that, she's also a pretty gifted money manger and investor. I read it somewhere.
My friend went to visit our friend in Japan last week, and he did a distillery tour of a place where they make sake. He brought back two bottles of sake that cost about $50-60 total, but would be worth about $200-300 over here in the states. We're going to drink them once he and our other friend and I can arrange a…
I'd like to see a mind-flayer, the Ood are cool but they don't have that squid-shaped head.
Good luck Dik! I'm doing my first contract job this weekend since I got my computer degree, and I'm nervous and excited! It could even lead to a nice 6-12 month contract if I do well enough! (although I still would have preferred the permanent position I interviewed for two weeks ago, which was with a great company…
Royal Crown Revue - Big Boss Lee
Operation Ivy - The Crowd
Howlin' Wolf - I Put a Spell on You
DangerDoom - Bada Bing
Tori Amos - Winter
Michael Buble - Spiderman Theme