See, THIS is a quality shuffle.
See, THIS is a quality shuffle.
Vista has its bugs and flaws, but even at its worst it's still lightyears more usable and coherent than Windows 8 will ever be.
Gary, show us on the doll where the bad Whedon touched you.
Show me one straight man who answers that question with a no, and I'll show you a liar in denial.
Yeah, she does. In all her movies, not just Splash.
Sharty Roman Polanski?
"I haven't done the anti-torture training yet."
"It's fun. You'll enjoy it."
Any Adam Sandler movie?
Thank you! Now I can download the track illegally! HAHAHA seriously thank you.
It's more a question of scale - Breaking Bad is a personal tragedy, the story of the scope of devastation one totally corrupt person can wreak upon the world at large, while The Wire is a tragedy on a much larger scale.
Liked for the Stryper and the NIV references. You clearly grew up in a similar milieu to mine.
I like that reading of it. Too bad we have never been nice.
Way to science this bitch up!
I'm sure I don't have to explain to you the various vagaries and complexities of inter-dimensional sanitation and food-preparation laws.
It's one of the most visually striking movies I've ever seen. And the atmosphere…
That was a great episode when Spinelli joined them. I remember how the rest of the gang laughed and laughed after the other Ashleys gave her a makeover.
No, that was just some poor lost soul, howling his insanity in the wilderness.
Just look how easily he and Summer got jacked to beat up the Devil (and Fred Phelps).
It's not a bad plan, really.