Lord Spango

I've read some of those tracts in the past 10 years, and you are totally right about how truly disturbing the content of some of these tracts are. When I was a kid, I read them because I thought were some type of weird kind of comic book. I don't know how long it was before I realized the stories in the tract were

Oh my God, I can't believe I spaced on Fringe. It's one of my all-time favorite shows too, believe it or not.

Not quite what I was going for, but I'll give it a like anyway.

Aaahhh…Jesse Ventura. We had a lot of fun when he was governor. I was employed by the state when he was in power. Good times.

One of the most interesting things about Rick and Morty is that there is no show extant that uses the concept of alternate realities as one of the fundamental basics of the show. They've been building on it pretty much from the first episode and have been expanding it so quickly I can't help but wonder where we'll be

Did anyone else think the brownies Doofus Rick makes for Jerry were actually made of shit?

The world of Greasy Grandmas. The pizza ordering people. The world that had all those Dr. Seuss-looking creatures. The simple heart-tugging of Jerry's and Doofus Rick's friendship, with the shot of them quite happily building a castle out of his R2-D2 quarters.

I also loved that when Evil Rick was stealing Rick's memory, there was a beautiful blond woman he was having sex with, and the next memory after that was that blond woman's face splitting apart to reveal a huge, toothed mouth. I wonder if that was Beth's mom.

I loved that Cronenberg Rick and Morty were just kind of hanging out in the background on the Ricktopia.


Agreed with worker201 that a lot of the jokes are fairly subtle with the way the actors deliver the lines, and the facial expressions and reactions. But the one-liners are pretty funny, and the more vague contempt towards the way software companies speak and act you have, the better. It's worth checking out, is what

Elvis landed in rock red rocketship, healed a couple of lepers and then disappeared.

He would have been perfect for a talk show host role. I could actually see it totally happening if he was still alive.


I couldn't keep up with Mason's sparkling wit.

So Mason is still going to lurking in the background. Anyone want to bet that the next time we see Mason, he will be summoned from the Maldives sporting a great tan and a bit of a gut, and he will finally start writing the exclusive story Emily promised him at the very beginning.

Was I the only person who kind of inwardly groaned when Emily and Aiden started making kissy-face again? Like. ugghh. Haven't we been there, done this already?

I watch Hannibal, so when you said a mysterious Gideon, I had this vision of the now stump-legged Abel Gideon showing up in Revenge and causing all kinds of mad fuckery.

Is Javier still crashing on Nolan's couch while he's throwing this fit about not getting enough money? (On a $500 million sale, he only gets $150 million and Nolan gets $350 million on it). For a kid fresh out of prison with no money to make that decision, he better have enough bread to be able to get his own place!

I didn't get that one. Who's Clark?