Watching a woman orgasm is the hottest thing you can see in straight porn. Even if it's faked (it is porn, after all) I still appreciate the effort put forth to fake it.
Watching a woman orgasm is the hottest thing you can see in straight porn. Even if it's faked (it is porn, after all) I still appreciate the effort put forth to fake it.
Liked for the third sentence, not the first two.
Did he frown at you and tell you he's too old for this shit?
Pikmin was a fun game.
No fair! Some of us are blocked by our firewalls from going there! (long story)
Gay men tend to appreciate boobs for their aesthetic value, while everybody else appreciates boobs because they're soft. And jiggly.
Haven't met Gaiman, but my old high school choir director's son takes violin lessons from the same teacher in Wisconsin, and he's chatted with him a few times.
As far as you know. The beauty of the internet is that you never know for certain who's behind the avatar. I myself am actually beloved Dif'rent Strokes actor Todd Bridges.
I wonder how Hannibal would react to Bugs, Tasmanian Devil, or Yosemite Sam - I would pay money to see that!
You can make that argument (I can see the Trickster loud and clear) but Hannibal is pretty clearly the Gentleman Monster. I mean come on: He served what was (until the reveal) haute cuisine based on human flesh to a dinner party where at least 50 attended, and was a top-notch host for his guests. And it might still…
What was weird, I thought about this episode, is that Will apparently put the fear of some kind of God into Hannibal, what with the orderly almost killing him last week. I thought it was evident in terms of his passive-aggressive behavior to Will, his slightly cowed manner, like "You know, I thought this would be a…
I loved that Will's nightmare stag had a rack of antlers so huge and intricate. Hannibal must have had antler envy.
I'm pretty sure this phrase has come up before, but damn, Hannibal is like the archetype, Jungian archetype of the Gentleman Monster. I claim that phrase if it's never been used,
She-Ra was awful. Just…awful.
I had to go to my friend's house to see He-Man back in the day (and she was a girl). Not because my parents didn't allow me to watch it, but because the TV at my house had crappy reception and it didn't pull in the signal of the UHF station it was on.
I'm Prince Adam, and this is Cringer, my fearless friend. (smirk)
Fabulous powers were revealed to me the day I held aloft my magic sword and said, "BY THE POWER OF GREYSKULL!"
Taking a HARD pass.
In Northfield, right? Yeah, I can see that place spawning Ben Wyatt.
Don't forget the swing music!