Not yet.
Not yet.
Those who are talented can do two (or more) voices that are equally different and quirky, complete voices for separate characters. Examples: Hank Azaria, Phil Hartman, Jon Benjamin, Trey Parker and Matt Stone (even though all their voices sound kind similar), Mike Judge and many others.
It's STILL possible that Corey Feldman (the renowned star of The Goonies) could be pulling a Joacqun Phoenix and making a giant statement about the nature of art or reality or some crap like that, with a huge statement behind it. Something about how it's wrong to objectify woman or the moral bankruptcy of the…
How Francis, Dewey and Malcolm (and Jaime too) Ruined Our Sex Life - Hal and Lois, an Erotic Tale.
I killed fitty Tojos! I had to beat them to death with a big piece of Fatty!
I thought they were divorced.
It's all hair-based. Felicity lost its mojo when Russell cut her hair (shades of Samson and Delilah) and The Americans gains more strength and acclaim the more wigs that get put on.
I tried it once, it wasn't as bad as I thought.
I don't think Hannibal would eat boobs. Too fatty, with very little meat except for the nipples, which would taste like bacon.
Mephisto, not the Devil! I think he was the one who brought Aunt May back from the dead.
Aren't Northstar and Aurora supposed to be twins? There's quite an age difference between Norton and Ronan (though if they're not twins, I would back these choices wholeheartedly).
Ah, Peter David days - with the good old days when we got the grey Hulk (Joe Fixit?), the savage green Hulk and the supersmart Hulk after Doc Samson combined all the Hulks into one. Good times
Who was the goth girl in Degrassi: TNG who was Marco's best buddy and I think maybe dated Spinner? I don't know, it was a while ago.
Sean and Craig are both the worst. I don't know which one annoys me more - Craig has the whole being a dick to girls thing, which to be honest Sean has too, but I'll give up the dishonors for Sean, since he also was a manipulative, way too emo, oh-look-at-me-I-had-a-rough-childhood crybaby. The fact that Emma was so…
It is Buffalo Wild Wings and I have no idea why it's called BW3 instead of BW2. A lot of people call it that around here. Maybe it's a Midwestern thing.
Oooh, that's a decent supposition, conflating Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch with Fenris. It'd be a bit of a shame, though - I always thought Fenris was pretty cool. NO INCEST, please.
The only person (as far as I know) that has adamantium skin is the Wolverine villain Cyber.
Barbara….turn off the reactor…
Chris Hardwick's newest show, on after Colbert Mon-Thurs. A bunch of comedians (and once, Neko Case) make fun of stuff on the internet. Its quality varies with the guests, but generally entertaining.
Before she was born, apparently.