Fallout 4’s Pip-Boy Edition lets you strap your second screen experience to your wrist, and will have no trouble…
There ya go, folks. The secret to being a billionaire is success.
describing the whole trailer in one word "sploosh"
You'd think that the infamous NFL player nicknamed Beast Mode would be okay with the gory finishing moves of Mortal…
A Blizzard employee contacted us over the weekend to share the story of one of those rad statues that are going out…
XD Sweet i got kicked out of Prison for Good Behavior ;3
psh Zelda Casuals.
David Melnarik got his mum to sit down on the Smash Bros. website and try to name every character in the game. Some…
No, not really. There's plenty of great stuff on the Wii U, like ZombiU which was criminally underrated, and MH3U.
Thanks Kotaku. *Pre-orders Collector Edition* ^-^