The PC version only comes in third because the definitive version wasn't released for the PC. Which it easily could have and taken the top spot.
The PC version only comes in third because the definitive version wasn't released for the PC. Which it easily could have and taken the top spot.
at :35 into this vid the girl's breasts are totally hanging out. How the video didn't get flagged I have no idea. I'm not complaining I'm just saying.
Atlus has finally (finally!) made an official announcement regarding Persona 5. It's headed to the PlayStation 3…
The future is kckckckckckckckckckckckckck
This is actually a legitimate sentiment - why, after 7 years of 720p and 30fps should it be ok that the Xbox One costs $100 more (because of a 'mandatory' Kinect 2.0), and there's almost nothing next gen about it?
This review is a joke right? Looking at so many other reviews just panning this game, then come here and this. One mans opinion but now i take your opinion with a grain of salt. I so played this game at a kiosk and it was one of the most boring games i have ever played. Hands down.
My launch story is a tiny bit on the sad side but it should have a happy ending today. So like thousands upon thousands across the country, I was at the midnight launch last night. Only difference is I was working it as a Best Buy employee. We sorted through most of the customers by 12:40 I'd say and then started the…
If you're just waking up, or just joining us, the next generation is upon us. Well. Some of us. The PS4 went on sale in North America at midnight, and there's already news. Which you can catch up on right here.
When the fall 2013 anime season started early last month, I told you a little bit about each anime and where to…
Maybe Demons Souls 2 PS4.
*fingers crossed* Dark Souls 2 PS4.....
Dead Rising 1 was cool for its time. Got old fast though.
Dead Rising 2 I never really got into.
This DR 3 looks pretty awesome though, I admit.
But I'm not getting an xbox
You also gotta think of the investment. The PS2 was merely a game console that played DVDs. But the PS3 has turned into an entertainment hub. Streaming services, online play, regularly updated and patched. They've put more work into the PS3 then they ever did for the PS2, so I doubt they'll just abandon it like that.…
I'll just echo a few: