
If it was any other company other than Ubisoft... i would be excited....

Haha if they thought they block this deal worth billions, and people who want out of blizzard with big paychecks due to sexual and cosby room shinagins.

Phil is misunderstanding. If their was no PC version people would buy Xbox.

I agree 100% with Bella.  Especially part about internet stupidity.  Honestly what happens on internet should stay on internet.  Too much junk. Go live your life people. 

Than their people like me who still buy physical just cause they dont trust the company to keep their online servers on in 20 to 30 years. 

I am not suprised. We just care if game is good. We worship the Art of Video Games.

I want call of duty be xbox exclusive.

I wish, Support Ukraine was still as number 1 trending topic. These people would be at least would be talking about worthy problem.  

I been enjoying the game. Alot of fun just walking thru halls of hogwarts, and all little things hidden everywhere so far. I am taking it slow. Combat is fun, cant wait to see how crazy it gets.

Preordered my with no care in the world.

I never seen a review call developers “coward” just because they didnt want to put punishing fot using evil spells.

I feel like this, should had been better followed on. Imagine if damous painting was destroyed.

Honestly i think every pro player should do what Riddles did, when they lose.

Play the demo.  All i know, i get bosses, open world. And go crazy with spells.  I would say this good game to play while waiting for Hogwarts.  If you want something new and got money, otheewise wait till end of this year pick it up for $30 to $40

I expect this to hit $20 mark fast 2023 Holiday.

Honestly, how i am not suprised.

I am annoyed people call this Harry Potter game when it has nothing to do with it.

I just hope it be less of a hub between missions.

I dont care about timed exclusives actually i like them.

Example of why i dont like copy laws. Same like i hate when you get copy striked when you stream cause of music in background.