
The problem, is he telling everyone what exploit he doing, which in turn he creating bunch of copycats. So i expect you see more people like him.

😆 please like that side of world needed government premission. Its always been done in thise parts of world. Its part of culture, bootleg NES consoles/ cartridges. 

As 6.2 feet tall, i can tell you us tall people dont have rights either.

This article, i like.

Pretty sure, starter gear suppoes to look like you got nothing on. But also isnt it just running joke better armor less looks like you have on? Their alot of adorable outfits like founder pack for A bard outfit.

NFTs are great, especially for future gaming development. Once we have AI game developers created. That will create NFTs, and fill whole worlds in video games, generated as random loot/equipment/cosmatic. That players can sell to each other and company taking small 5% to 15%

Due to being bought out, they say they have no control over this situation or decision and they get back to them once sale os finalized with Microsoft, until than, your unemployeed. 

Remmber the comment i made, were i said watch Blizzard top management going to just be forced with earlier retirement with huge amount of money and nothing done to them other than their reputation tarnished. But they wont care, when you got millions. Congratulations to everyone wasting their time for “Justice”. In

2025. By than we either get new version of PS5 or alot people upgrade/able find PS5. 

Man i feel bad for him, no matter amount. It feels very shitty to be cheated out like that. Be a dollar or a million.

This looks like alot of fun =] hopefully their physical 

In Local News today: Tom Holland is fileing bankruptcy, due to Warhammer addiction. The upcoming young star of Hollywood, was found covered in paint of every color, in his basement, after family came looking for him when he hasnt attempted physical contact with anyone in family other than thru text messages that he

Any time their is compition between players, it will have some level of toxicity to it. This is how it will always be, and their more louder toxic voices in the industry, especially when money involved.

I think WallstreetBets should drop Gamestop, and go support company like ZSAN, instead that tryinf to do good in the world, but is shorted everytime good news comes out. 

Also big hit on being unable to sell your games to others. Still paying same price as physicial copy.  

Because Xbox S is waste of limited chips, that could be used to make better consoles.

Played on day one. Had no issues other than the cops being teleporting Ninjas, was wondering hows their is a crime in the city if they show up like destroy droids.

As a immigrant who became USA citizen.

Dont read these articles, try the game, their a reason alot of us gotten to 720hours and over.

Why change something that is awesome. New world. Designs. Finally Open World. Cant wait to see house size bosses while on back of a mount becoming bigger as closer you get.