My estimate for Diablo 4 was always 2024/2025.
My estimate for Diablo 4 was always 2024/2025.
Was at Gabriel Iglesias “Fluffy” show just last night and he also talked alot about cancle culture. I think it is a problem. People need to realize that their are different people out their, with different opinions. People dont need to like and agree with everyone. Also this article feels like a opinion. First time i…
I kinda wish, the negative attitude about the company of Kotaku view of Blizzard was removed/mention anything about lawsuits.
And than their me. Happy to see another Mario movie. Also glad to see Chris as Mario. (They could had chosen someone terrible, but they choose great actor)
I started my vacation on saturday, so far delt with a funeral, surgery for pet, picking and droping people off at insane airport, car blowing up, borrowing my car out, dentist, setup new network for a friend. Lack of sleep, due to early mornings. And its only Monday.... *sight* all i wanted was people to leave me…
PreOrdered way back. + dont care. Just gonna play my copy. Enjoy it. Say thank you. And move on to the next game.
I belive this, over 2k+ physical games and at least 100+ are sealed. I just dont have as much time to play, but i still pick up games cause i dont want to pay out rages prices. So i keep my eye on prices and usually pick up most games $10 to $35 range. Certain games fan of like Shin Megami, Monster Hunter, Dark Souls,…
My only issue with all this is, apple was only one who you would give your credit card info to. Now with everyone having their own market, might lead to people information getting comprised. Or more easily hackable. I trust apple more in keeping your info safe than some developers.
See my only problem is, if you kill everyone who oppresses their opinion like this.... everyone just going to hide it, and alot people already start doing that.
Third kind, wish him luck, glad he can afford it and provide for his family, much good luck, dont know him or anything. Why hate someone you dont know. Also who cares? Its his money his choice. People need to stop looking at someone grass over the fence and complain that theirs is greener.
Time to move to another country, change site from .com to .###, and keep maintaining it and live like a king with money made so far that goes alot farther in different country.
Cause Power Corrupts and no one can handle it. Also 1000s of companies boycutt alot people in last year even though they have most profit than ever.
One, i consider anyone using “Black Lives Matter” in any other form, close minded person and only in their selfish-attention getting benefit.
Reading comments, and seeing the picture
“Pre-Ordered Diablo 2 Remaster”. Gamers dont care. We just want our fix. To be honest most people i talked to that are gamers, dont even know this is going on. We to busy dealing with our everyday lives to care. You think my friend who has cancer, who plays WoW to make day less painful cares about this issue? No. Dude…
Upcoming budget cuts will be easy for the company, give list of all people that they get rid off, maybe not right away, but i dont expect anyone who signed that to have a job at Blizzard within 5 years.
I REALLY REALLY hope, a Book is going to be thrown at Offended. Or Fired with no pay. Cause who ever is found guilty, i really hope, and justice is met.
Cool, sooo settle outside of court, replace lost workers, and everything goes back to normal. Just more private and behind doors, worst case the company moves out of the state.
*still plays 90% of games at highest settings on 1080 gtx ti* at 60 fps =] no problem here. =]
By the time i be able to find Oled Switch to buy, nintendo Pro will come out =]