What funny it will sell for more than that Gameboy =]
What funny it will sell for more than that Gameboy =]
Whoever, bought that mario copy, i just want to say i got 2,000+ video game collection, i am willing to part with for reasonable price.
Ya i am tired of people saying Cyberpunk 2077 was disaster....
I like him too.
Please, protecting from sex and voilence vs kids, no wall/security strong enough. If their a will their a way.
weirdly enough, i approve this... I am actually interested in the First Solider, very fast paced. Also i play most my mobile games on computer anyway.
Please, like peeking upskirt of game character is really a problem.
Big part of me yes yes yes yes. But other part, please please be physical copy. Not digital, please be physical. But i am guessing its digital only.
Best Time to sell company when you dont want to or need to.
Uunfortunately some games will never be emulated correctly, or remastered or recreated and are just lost. Video Game business is more aware of it now days of perserving but they still do a terrible job. You get new leadership, and once great companies some are just greedy monsters now, or do mindless things.
Omg this, all my friends are not into video games as i am, also my job is very social involving alot of conversations.
I never planned to sell my video games (few times i did, i highly regreted it, bought all of them back) , i always saw it more of, retirement hobby, give me something to do in old age, maybe if i have kids it be something i able to pass on to them. Video games saved my life during PS2 era/high school. Also felt like…
Its like reading a book on ipad vs physical book in hand.
So i became video game collector in PS2 era. I have pretty most if not all rpgs and horror games that came out on consoles and handhelds for last 20 years.
Correct, now i am waiting for popular streamer do this game, were you have sex chat stream and twitch stream and goal is to guess which one is on twitch and which one is sex stream.
Most likely why i might pick up Xbox this generation for backwards and exclusives.
Oh look my fears were right, sucks for gamers, but if you got gaming pc your fine, all bethesda games played/mod community better on PC anyway. But time will tell what else they going to do
I hope they go pure mass effect single player.
Yesh!!!!!!!!! I am actually looking forward to the game now.
Possibly one of few good mmorpgs in long time to come out. We also might get Lost Ark soon thru Amazon as well. =] with new World delay maybe it come out during summer.