
oh look, like i posted comment when they did reveal for PS5. About Nintendo releasing Switch 2.0 in 2021 >.>

I am ready for that PS5 release date. =] been putting money every month to Acorn account. So one way or the other getting this console day 1.  Best Excitement ever to get your console on release date. Its a reallly cool feeling when you take it home and start unpacking it and hooking it up. I just hope their is enough

Me No Care about who Pokimane is Poking.  Just want video game news. (Other than Delays).... 

Honestly Xbox should consider delaying its release till 2021, and i feel like it will have better lunch.  8 out of 10 people going to be buying PS5 anyway.

Only if they have the skills and earn the right, i dont care what ethinicty any company has on whaterver whoever board. By end of the day i want right decisions to be made for devlopers to create their quality games to full artistic wants and needs they have . I feel like developers should care less about the audiance

that is exactly the problem, its too much of looking at what popular now.... >.> than actually figuring what would be better.

See i expect next generation for Xbox go same way they try to do super good first two years than they give up and hardly releaseing anything good for last 8 years. They done that with Xbox One X, i feel like they havent learned anything, especially with what happing now with Mixer.  

My problem is, why are we having issues like this in first place. Why people/companies giving words so much power, and why some people are so easy to trigger.

I love BlooRayne, but a sequel to Advent Rising after this many years.... to us old gamers, would be the real suprise.

Not bad mouthing, just pointing out bad practice. My issue with xbox/microsoft is mostly they didnt release enough of games last generation for people that bought xbox. Compare to xbox and xbox 360. What the point of owning koenigsegg agera. If speed limit is 25 everywere, and they cancled contruction of the highway. 

Main games i am looking forward to Cyberpunk 2077, Last of Us 2, BG3, and New World. =) Only concern i got how many DLC will come out before we get “definitive edition”.  Also looking to get PS5. 

Touche, but dont be surprised, if that same way of thinking is used by bad people in reverse. I rather have people talking/running their mouth, than acting upon it before talking about it.  If you silent people, they just secretly commit actions behind locked doors.

sorry, i suck at organizing my ideas in proper structured order.  My wife totally gets your comment.  English not my first language. 

They are not. Microsoft is Software company on PC. On Consoles they are Hardware/Software. It makes no difference to them how many Computers sell. Cause they are paid monthly/yearly by manufacturers to put their software on all the computers, and computer sales dont effect their market. If that pc sits their for 3

I am waiting for, “Definitive Definitive Version” on PS5 now....physical release...

Your thinking too much of what you have in USA. USA/Japan = cheapest console/video games costs/accessories/

With everything that going on, it easier to take this course of action, than having someone burn down your building or give you bad PR. Honestly with how people over Social Media hunt people down, its literally Internet Lynching, but most dont realize anything wrong with it or haven’t realized it yet.

Actually, their easily 10 times+ more gamers that use PC to game, than console gamers. (PC is more Universal, less expansive, than consoles in many countries, also easier access to video games, due to lower price for PC games vs Console games)

Every game that makes Xbox unique, you can play it on PC. Their no reason to buy Xbox, if you have computer that can run games.  Most client that i saw pick up Xbox X, last Generation was just to run 4k Bluray Movies, and good chunk of them were not gamers. 

Thanks for awesome replay, =] and understanding of what i am trying to say. I feel like we going to need something along lines that will beat WoW and Fortnite combined. Reason i been rooting for Amazon, for New World. But i hope they will succeed and their studio creates even bigger world, and mmorpg that can be more