If you dont have gaming computer only reason to get excited for Xbox, is what last gen thought me. They keep fighting themselves.
If you dont have gaming computer only reason to get excited for Xbox, is what last gen thought me. They keep fighting themselves.
i honestly think, any artist, developer. Should be allowed to create whatever they want, in a weird way “Freedom of Speech”
=) i am big Console Gamer, but i am also PC Gamer. What i was trying to point out “PC Master Race” is argument is dead, cause their hardly any “exclusives” worth playing other than if you looking into MMOs. I love owning PC. i believe exclusives are necessary evil. I am still waiting for Xbox to get their stuff…
Kotaku is good place to get some gaming news. >.> i was just pointing out, nothing that was shown, looked like be worth time and money, other than picking it up when its on 75%-90% discount on Steam. Only thing i saw interest was last DLC for Remnant in August? that about it
correct, i am looking forward to getting PS5, i saw more fun games to play, and it costs me less to play them. Than buying Graphic card upgrade. Honestly at this point unless its strategy game, MMORPG, pc exclusive.... i play everything else on console.
too much of copy and paste, and trying to be next fortnite... p.s. i wrote this after waking up from 2 hour nap after 12 hour shift ;p i was grumpy as hell
That all looked boring. I feel like master race not getting any good games. Honestly i feel like now days gaming is very unpolished, and uninspired, and most games made, especially early access games, dead on arrivial. Especially games that people are making multiplayer. Why and how some developers are wasting time…
Deathloop, Resident Evil 8, Horizion 2, Little Devil, Remake Demon’s Souls. >.> I am sold, but honestly i was sold moment i saw “USB - C” on the controllers. Bring on $800 price tag. ;)
in most small towns/villages around Poland, most people know each other, and you can tell who goes to church. Sunday all stores are closed, and everyone goes to Church. Especially small communities, its how alot of people meet up. Heck even priest is going to give you hard time if he doesnt see you enough times at…
Its Poland, until early 2000s+ most people their havent seen anyone that is not catholic, and white. O.o you know how much stares you got if you werent white/catholic... in Poland in 80s/90s..... ALOT.
I dont agree, its just like going from snes to ps1 or to ps2 and ps3. Heck we have gameplay now better looking than high quality cut scenes
nothing brought me close to tears and cheering, as the last 3 hours of the game. it was everything i am hopefully.... i wish was possible in original. so i am looking forward to next installations.
I am hoping for red rising trilogy hbo tv show. It would blow game of thrones out of the water...
Not a comic guy, and with cyberpunk delayed 2077 my other mini vacation cancled as well lol.
Well at ast got heads up *cancels his vacations*
Well this is a bummer was going to plan my summer vacation around this, if Sony attended. Now not sure what to do. =] stay at home vacations it is and spent more time with backlog. =] was going to be my first E3
One day I hope I meet some friends online that be willing to save my life and not just point and laugh and say are you dead yet?
I hope he talk about this on his show, my wife watches it every night it's on. =] it pretty good talk show.
Their gaming rentals was robbery, if you want to rent a game for a week it's almost like buying JT brand new