Only piece of clothing that i say worth droping $1000+ for. is a Suit everything else you dont need it. Honestly most clothing should never be more than $100+.
Only piece of clothing that i say worth droping $1000+ for. is a Suit everything else you dont need it. Honestly most clothing should never be more than $100+.
I am catholic and i find this trailer little bit cringy... good attempt. Honestly why hasnt anyone taken the bible and put game of thrones twist on it? Alot of stories are litterly Game of Thrnes material
What I am trying to explain to you, i dont understand why would I buy xbox over ps4. If PS4 offers me all the games and more, has playstation plus (litterly gives you same games which ends up paying for yearly membership easily 5 times over), can play playstation now device on any sony tv without a console. Not to…
Give me a good reason to own Xbox X, vs PS4/Switch
I am 32 I would love to get that star wars giant lego set that like $500
To me exclusive doesnt matter, if it’s good product I get it. What I am saying is, I think microsoft is doing bad business. That why they have both Nintendo and sony on their Network. And eventually they just be a sub app. They release 2 to 7 games a year. Like honestly, only reason alot people bought xbox x…
No, problem is I have no reason to buy xbox, if I own gaming pc and have PS4. Microsoft this whole generation are fighting a battle with themselves and shooting themselves. On top of it, they are embracing it, it’s on borderline zealots. Litterly what they should do, drop xbox, come up with contract with Sony and…
*hard pass for next xbox generation* looks like I am sticking to Sony for next gen. Not suprised their. Unless Xbox manages to pull like console exclusives (not on pc). Hardware Sellers. I dont see Xbox ever taken the top. Any game that came out on Xbox X. Either came out on PC, other consoles, or wasnt worth even to…
So in my case everyone get paid differently, some more some less. But what my company those every 2 to 3 years take looks at pay for same position across the nation and adjusted the rate up.
>.> I be honest, as someone who gamed online since start of internet, i see nothing wrong with this. Their too much *protecting*. Make pure servers that dont allow it at all. Maybe only duel mode. Were you both have to accept a duel or have option to turn on or off the duel.
I agree, with most but you defiantly need the pets to auto loot for you. You cant grind efficiently at all. You spend good penny for that. Also 1 inventory every 10 days is a nightmare, you need to get into 130 space and max weight otherwise after just couple mins of grinding you gotta go sell your stuff or store it.…
Not lieing, I got 10 maids. 5 x 4 star pets. And all weights and decent amount of inventory for 3 characters( mystic, sorc, dark knight). Each weight and minium inventory space cost you at least $100. Also bunch of costumes, skins for wagons, and ship. Etc.
OHHS look its what I expected and said they going to do. Not suprised. But looking forward to ffxiv 2.0
They still one if biggest money grabbers in history of mmos. You have to spent at least $1000 to be able handle most of the stuff in their mmorpg. It great mmorpg, until you hit a wall were most content is locked beyond gear wall, which is dependent on RNG, which can take anywere between 1 to 3 months to farm just to…
I am passing on game, first time ever , none of my friends are picking it up =/. So I have no reason to. Also my favorite pokemons are not even in the game that I grew up with and loved from original pokemon. Plus couple new ones. So here hoping their be Ultra Sword and Shield out next year *crossed fingers*
All I care about is .... release date for Diablo 4.
Moment like this wish I was rich. The fan in me screams yeshhhh. My wallet screams not in this life time
I am okay with this, if they said this about Cyberpunk 2077. Heads will roll. I have strict plan of [No, Family or Friends] for next 5 days from release date vacation. Everyone one is made aware. If Armagedon Happing or earth breaks for demons start waging war on humanity, thats everyone else problems.
I have neck issues, so going to pass, when my body is too tired and neck acting up from looking down too long, being able to just pop it in into the switch stand and plop down on couch is a big win for me.
i agree, i think it was one of my favorite movies as a kid growing up in Poland, playing on Pegasus (Polish Pirate NES that was “Official Console”)