
Honestly, i feel like the twitch/youtuber population who bashing on this is either flat chested, or wish they had those assets.

Well my plan still stays the same, have classic switch at home, buy lite and use that as on the go switch. And wait for the pro version.

My comment to all this. “Life finds a way”

I would had said a fine, probation should be the wsy to go unless someone came to harm physically. =/ poor kid got his whole life ruined now with this on his record

Honestly i think its minor set back only, cause eventually ore pokemon games will come out and it will rotate all pokemons eventually in the end.  I guess development for "switch version" is more intense.  My guess is more of unique and event pokemons didnt make it. I wonder of Zeraora made the list, is their a list

But it wont be excatly portable either.

Okay to simplify it for some people. What Microsoft is doing its like Highways. You have highway to get to w.e. you going, and Xbox Live is the toll. Consoles are your differant brands of cars, to whatver you find cooler/afforadable/style w.e.


I love it. Cant wait when VR headset with 4 to 8k. And wireless. Will come out. I am hoping next playstation vr be 4k. While everything else be 8k

I wouldnt mind if its you from original two games as the villain in the third game. I would like to kick my own ass of younger me.

That what i been saying from start, its a third of a book.  Base way i can describe Anthem.  Like the story and world thatvin game currently felt like we just got a taste.  

=P who cares, slave drive them till 2077 is perfected =]

Their a small small chance. That when he was sleeving, specficaly same land, they got all bend same way by accident.

Their a small small chance. That when he was sleeving, specficaly same land, they got all bend same way by accident.

Game should had 2 to 3 years longer development cycle, also $15 i spent, witg Origin for month of Anthem saved me money than unsubed

I feel like people publishing their stuff early, are also same people that need to see money coming in now.

LoL $500,..... pennies.... i am pretty sure over course of last 10 years, spent over $10,000. I was during that time college student, you dont realize how fast micro transations add up, even if you spend only $50 to $100 every 2 weeks. I remmber skipping lunch for 2 weeks just to make sure i have enough money for new

CxStory is awesome, alot of lore, secrets in freeplay, wish it loading screen was half as long, and main story x2 longer, (over 30 hours took me to beat main story and that with me doing every side quest that poped up, and talking with every chance i get) in last two days and taking my time, streamed it all too into 5

Glad to know this went alot smoother than it could had went
