
This is Blizzard we talking about right? I mean seriuesly, if they kept doing what they been doing in early 2000s .. they should be alright, i feel like activision is at fault here.  This just makes me think no developer is safe and dont trust any big companies like EA or Activision, they take what they 2ant from you

You discovered real true reason people like horror games, its a genra unlike any other and make you feel things that no other game can accomplish. I have a collection of video games just horror, what i do is play them far apart, so that when you best a game you wait 3 to 6 months to beat another, you get the thing i

My replay is.... see you in december when the game like $29.99 or less. I can wait.

This is how you create ravers.... you get them hooked at early age

Cause i work for living, got money to burn, and if it gets my hands on the game early i do it? dont care about being the problem, its more about when i have avability to sit back and unwind

Honestly that b.s., the whole legacy WOW, and remake of Warcraft 3. Very very BS. We should be having new mmo and warcraft 4. My hope and dream for longest time aspecialy with battle for azeroth would be that they might make Warcraft 4 now to go with the WoW expansion.

Honestly.... make diablo 4 and setup the story, were evil wins... create mmo. Slowly expanding the story with diablo and his brothers and other evils. Being major raids. Also key characters... like level 20 dungeon being Blood Raven as final boss. Level 40 or 50 dungeon being Butcher.

Yes this is bad, but honstly i been done to worse things by people on internet. And i feel like todays generation needs to grow thicker skin. You could had also banned those people on ur side so you never get to play them again, and move on. Honestly i am worried about people that get offanded too easily, and companies

sweet video and interesting... i did speed thru the creation process though >.> i think he should put more videos with effort for the battles he did

Honestlt ebay, facebook ebay, craglist, local pawn stores. Everything else kinda dead or too much time. Aslo gamestop =] most of the time i see sellers use gamestop as lowest price setter and go above it by loke 5 to 10 bucks.

I think she looks alot better without makeup.  I also tell my wife less makeup, the better you look =)

2019 Looks like going to be GREAT year for Gaming/Expansive.... Sooooo many good games coming out just in first 4 months of the year.  Resident Evil 2 remake/Division 2/Days Gone/etc etc etc... its going to be fun next year. =p

See that when it is considered over abused.  I feel bad for any  salaryman thats not hourly

I am 31 =p holiday coming up, i do 10-12 hour shift x 6 times a week. For 2 months.

You guys are over thinking it... i killed my at level 13... >.> all i did was use Bounty Hunter that was tracking me down to chase me to the boar... than started to fight the boar, while he was fighting the boar i put arrows into him, than killed his babies when they spawned.

as long as they get paid overtime, i wouldnt mind. >.> I love overtime at my work.  = More money to pay off debts

I hate it.... most likely reason why i hate it... its the item system... its exact copy of all same equipment and items from first Dark Souls.... so everytime i got new gear, i felt like someone stole my stash and gave out my gear... and i am recollecting it again...  That what turned me off from the game...

=/ i am worried

I liked the movie. I got what i expected... biteing heads off... and interesting fights

Its Mentality of that Generation of Polish People. I am from Poland, my whole family is Polish. Its just the way that specific generation of people way of thinking. His advisers were also similar mind set = that why he didnt get proper advice.