
Its a Polish old generations guy’s mentality. Its the my parents/grandparents way of thinking. Stigma vs video games, is very high by those generation of Polish people. In his mind, he thought it be just some stupid/bad game/that only useless people play it. People from Poland of that generations, they are very

XD I WILL FIND time to play Video games, Even if i have to get a divorce. 

I NEVER FELT SMARTER, than i did on Jeopardy, i knew every answer XD LOL!!.

Honestly if or gotten more video game media of women murdering other men or women i be for it.

Not sure what not authentic about war general being a woman, i bet they make fine genrals on top of that i would never want to fight one.

Honestly, i think because they though that specific memory would had become mainstream but instead it went other route.  So its not Sonys fault

when i hear that playstation start up music.... brings me back to getting up early at 5am before school, and playing Tomb Raider/Warcraft 2 on playstation....

Watched full 45 mins of this without skipping a second. This is going to put alot of developers to shame, they did it again, they one uped Witcher 3. Got 3 words for 45min video = I am boned.

Can we get those controls on guns yet? Like seriuesly why not just have required chip into every gun owned. If their is any suspisous activity on monitor report to immedietly to police.

I love this, pure gold =] i hope more internet goes that way

For some reason i feel like this is display of greed on both sides.... and client comes in second... also i get both side of bussiness and “Gotta make money by end of the day”.

1) Talk to NPC to find Trade Hub on the Planet. (Trade Hub indicates that their are Secured Facilities which are places that give Blueprints.)

  1. @NoMansSky XD So.... can we get PVP mode... were some random systems, lets say colored “Purple Dots, or different color” gets all bunched up together into one section of the whole galaxy. Becomes No Man’s Land.... The way you travel to the far away system, is by going thru teleport and it randomly spawns you among

I would do it too =] all those kills one in lifetime

Loved the first game cant wait for this.

Put it simpily, cause i feel like people making it complicated. Dont put a wedge between her friends and dont act like a jerk around her friends. Swallow pride and apolgize to him first and explain why about your niece. Ignore George cause honestly at end of the day, you got the woman of your dreams and sounds like

what you guys dont realize this is prequel to whole fallout. this is to make people realize if they going to get into “Quick/Easy solution” or try to work it out, like in the lore. >.> everyone nuked everyone else cause they had differences and problems with one another. That explains how... the world in future is

See i have a card setup just for my kid in future and be like this is how you get allowance for stuff and lunch money. This way i can keep track what they buying and seprate from personal account. No way i give them cash cause that way they cant buy underage alchole, ciggars, or drugs =]

Last 3 weeks I got back into magic. End first place in draft, and so far 2nd place at local card store at Friday night magic. It’ been ablast, Ixalan sets are alot of fun and can’t wait for end of this week new set coming out that totally changing how magic is played.

I like the ending made me laugh