
i think it also creates less issues. With the whole Juniors/Seniors being more of “Young Adults”, less of picking on freshman/sophmore by upper classmen. Also allows teachers at each school focus more specific school year. Only negative to it is, that you lose friends who are 1 year ahead.

How about this. Good For the Developer for Free Publicity, by people who only sit around, and complain.

LOL I went to that High School. They have weird system were freshman sophomores have their own school and juniors and seniors have their own.

I would say we would have more violence if we didn’t have video games. Video games are best outlet out their for violence and stress cause you hurt no one. Also keeps kids at home and keeps them out of trouble

I been enjoying Monster Hunter and Fortnite

I was born and grown up 1/3 of my life in Poland... seeing the landscape and lore, it gave me alot of Polish European vibe to it... also the part of poland i am from growing up, i grew up very naturally beautiful town, were getting on a bike and being gone from morning til night was a adventure everyday. So i am

I look at the middle and just imaging piller of inferno....

My take on this is, everyone sexist and racist. If your not, you kidding yourself. Light up enjoy life and go have good time with your friends and family. Cause life is too short and no one got time for “That racisit/sexist”. Stop putting labels on people.

Married life is a hard life. Married life = fighting your very nature as human being. Not married people dont know, divorced people couldnt handle it. Marriage is a fight against yourself and everyone around you.

Why do i feel like Toys R Us is doing bad tied somehow to Skylanders ;p

And player battle ground copied h1z1.... what the point of this title.... how about actually making it tey paladins adding battle ground

I wouldnt consider Gaming as a Disorder... more of a addiction to a hobby. I mean if you go back in time, Books were consider addiction, movies, music, dancing, everything that is consider a hobby now days is a addiction in one way or another, doing something that doesnt go for are survival needs but instead of what

By the time the internet providers can get their hands on us and laws are passed. We will have new president that will do everything the other president did and we be back to square one again. Net Neutrality 2.0 looking at you in 2021

XD i am getting too much of Days Gone Vibe from this

lol it nasus vs varus of course he would lose, that was a poor choice...

I Agree, I think we should have each individual on the team go into his own booth, and be seperated/faced away from crowd in a sound proof cases. I feel like that will bring alot more awesome fun plays like this.

That why i think it should be ILLEGAL for games to be Free 2 Play. Buy 2 Player or Pay 2 Play...

People fighting in comments. Let me put it simply. Doesnt matter if the kid chested or supported cheating or w.e. the point is... a company a person for cheating in a free to play game. Like Why? That just stupid. Ban account, shutdown website. Get over it

So now companies sue.. for cheating and not just ban players now?

=p now i am going to hunt down translated version of it. Thanks for sharing =) Honestly i feel like we need some M rated RPGs out their. Cause story lines in most is Teenagers/young adults save the world. (Power Rangers)