
i am a big Monster Hunter fan, all the way from Playstation 2 Version. That game was literally Demon’s Souls of the generation. Hardly anyone knew about it. Similar Controls, Big Enemies. Niche Fan Base. Now people opening to how great the series is and why it is consider the most popular series in Japan. This next

Pokedex is wrong. I can prove it.... Played Pokemon Go. =p my Slowpoke weighted 0.00.

smart. only thing that i have against this, is having useless player on your team. Not very sportsmanship like.

i really doubt that.... they in Poland... if you piss polish guy off... they just burn the place down rather than giving it to someone

I pre order all the time. Cause monster Hunter collector edition rocks

Who ever thought it was good idea at the car company... must be smoking crack... I bet this is their last hope of getting some better revenue numbers since I haven’ seen that many hummers around anymore on the street.... I wonder if they have electric version of it in works...

I don’t own original XBOX one. And got 55 inch 4k tv. Been thinking of 4k player. And been thinking of getting XBOX one x for 4k and exclusive video games on XBOX like Dead Rising 3

Also I feel like publishers and developers might make games restricted to PlayStation or XBOX accounts cause of this... once they are poped into the console

My only issue is that it will degrade the product they sell... Now most games will be Rentals.... So manuals, artwork are going to be in horrible condition. Which also means that we will see more generic cases from gamestop, and more games will be butcheres.... games purchases it be like you bought them from

I think it fun game just wish they fix memory leak already so I didn’t have to restart game every 2 matches

I like this article. It wants me to become Zero fan even though I don’ know anything about this community or even follow gaming events. You should be proud example. Screw the haters wannabes you worked your way to top thru Internet Gaming Hell. If anything people should be proud to even have a chance to test their

I loved original Dead Space..... fricking hate how they ruined second and third game...

Now is it possible. That the people who would watch CoD most likely have ADBlocker on? Vs people with milk video. I feel like it becoming more of common knowledge of adblocker app so you dont even have to wait 5 seconds to skip the ad. I feel like that the real reason people loose money on youtube

Okay i got to say that this is pretty stupid of Bethesda. -.- it like they can do what they want just cause they have a bigger company vs a Indie. Negative PR for Bethesda.

I was so happy when i found about this. Than i found out it digital only. Made me sad.... cause i want to own these games physical copy. Especially since NES versions of these games all togather it over $200.

Nier one and Zelda looking dope

I use 10 save slots and cloud save. O.O well look on bright side this way you know when you need certain skill checks and you can improve urself before they due

It also for servers might not be as goos but still servers. Also i gotten alot better games from playstation plus and even some weird and interesting i wouldnt look into or play with my wife if it wasnt for playstation plus giving to me for free like Lovers they released. It a blast :3

My thoughts exactly, why pay for console if i can have better experiance on PC.

Ummm all the games ingot for free with ps3 psvita ans ps4. Made it well worth it over $60 a year. Plus how silly are you to buy year sub not during black friday for like $40 to $50. I usually buy 1 or 2 and not worry about it. Even when i get games i already have physically it nice to take them on go with psvita