
lol ya we find that out when we played the game. X) Duels were more fun and more dramatic when we were so tired/alcohol in system. and LOTS of food.... X.X

See me and my budies got a plan. All meet up tonight at friends house for sleep over ( of bunch of guys in late twenties) get boooze and power food. And get ready for 3 days of awesome. and we got set of rules. Allowed 1 HM mule. Rest is having fights and duels in each new town.

O.O giant epic size bosses will take days to beat O.O i am super excited now. So glad i am buying complete 4k surround sound system for this game. :3

I be honest. Why make big deal out of it. Why cant we just go back to the days were games were simply there to have fun. And not make useless arugement against developer why are your male npc more attracted to female npc and not female on female and male on male -.- news of stuff like this gives me no hope for future

Going to buy this Christmas 2017. Right now just going to buy playstation pro and 4k tv. :)

I was born and raised in poland. My house i was born in was occupied by natzi party during the war. So yes it easy for me to say

I think todays generations should take the higher road and overcome the hate. Most people from that era are not around anymore. We should never forget our history so cruel things that happened in it wont be repeated. But at same time we should trive for seeing one another as people not cultures/sex/color. People

See i had nasty comment but decied to edit it :p

Cause most Colleges feel like a Scam. O.o ITT really good proof. Heck everyone that went to school and graduated recently... said moment they got there diploma it already outdated... and got to go back in for more “school” or “Got a Criminal Justice Degree in Bachelors” and the person is a supervisor at some local

Hello Retirement. That exactly what i am going to be doing playing Dark Souls XX, + other games to keep my mind active and alert. Cause honestly that number one issue with when you retire, if you dont do something pro active every day, your body and brain slowly shuts down and why people have some mental illness

I love the part were body just flies past the airplane... they shoukd keep that :p

i hope that guy gets arrested soon. So that 1000 dollars he got in equipment costs him 10 years of nice prison life and be someone’s girl and getting there jaw broken every night

I can tell huge differance between 720 to 1080 p just cause of my tv and how i got everything arranged at my house. My ideaology is if i am going to put time into the game might as well play it best way possible at cheapest price. Which is console for me. Also i hate digital and perfare physicial copies. O.o if steam

True. But i always been optomistic when it came to consoles especially sony. Only let down is there step away from great handheld wich i feel like it still good for next 5 years. I am not looking forward to Nintendo NX just because it going to be long time before anything good comes out on that console for at least

My advice. Make friends that play the game and have similar style as you. Put chat on block. And enjoy the LoLs over mic and a deink :3 people are as toxic online as in person and sometimes more confronting. So it good training and what to in those situations

Correct but i feel like it will improve every game on performance. Like certain games that cause lag to happen when there just too much stuff happing in the screen on original ps4. So i am looking forward to that mostly. And maybe patches for certain games to make it 60 frames instead of 30.

I would had kept it.... in 10 years... i sell it for $20,000+

That my slow bro o.o i think that how ash cheats to make people belive he is strong

Is it me. Or is delaying the game some kind of trend? O.o cause FFXV done it and than you get all these delays.... for everything else. More than usual....

I wonder if people realize .... same thing that happens every time something like this happens... Original Version will slowly and eventually end up behind by Developers.... and you feel like your forced into it.... Me? no problem with it... I am a fanatic.... that saves ahead of time to be able to afford my Toys...