
It Was called “World Of Warcraft” o.o

I be honest i prefered release were it was. Got shin megami 4 and cold steel 2. And god eater 1 and 2. Attack on titan. Dragon quesy 7 in september. And to end it all sept 30th for ffxv requested off 4 days fully paid. In ooctober. There is last gaurdian. World of final fantasy. FEw others. But november is crazy at

>.> I just told my love, hey if you want to be together you got to understand couple things, i will always love you, care for you, be there for you, but you got to understand sometimes i need my gaming time... so i need time to myself for at least 2-4 hours a day. It been great ever since and togather for over... 7

Here my Theory.... What if.... >.> In the FUTURE... there be “MASTER LEAUGE”.

I liked september release. But if it makes game better i am okay with that. But now that it coming out around black friday cant request off days.... so wont be able to play it. Maybe after christmas....

Guess i got to reschedule my days off

I am having a blast on ps4 no issues other than 1 crash since release

So i be honest... i dont follow reviews anymore. I just use them now to see if there is any game that went under my radar to get. I enjoyed Mighty Number 9 when most people hate it, i enjoyed alot of games reviews were nice but had awesome gameplay or hidden fun stuff. So ya... to be honest this is one of the games.

but they dont know cause anyone past age 50+ most wont understand what Iwatch is or what it those.... just they must have it cause it “Apple” >.>

My way to do it is grab two friends and go pokemon hunting and we get walki talkies and we all go three directions and who paws go from 3 to 2 we go there first

son/daughter doesn’t matter, i wouldnt let my kid before he 21 motorcycle either, i seen enough crashes with motorcycles happen infront of my eyes and rag dolls + some close friends that injuried themselves or died to it that i wouldnt approve either.

The game is fun. People need to stop comparing it to other games and just play it as own thing. Not bad as first game from the company. I am pretty sure they learned alot. Looking forward to future releases. Only advice release it only on ps4 and xbox one. Thanks for M9 looking forward to what else the company will

what Civ VI coming out this year o.o I STILL HAVENT Finished MY 1 Game yet at Highest Setting with all my Close Friends... o.o

So Norman Reedus is jesus and adam and eve in one. Were he will become god slayer. O.o

okay looking at my collector edition of fallout 4.... it looks exactly the same and feels like almost made exactly the same. XD i wouldnt pay $350 for that if anything just track down the collector editions on ebay or something and buy that...

umm base on the screenshot... anyone else notice what on his ear.... is it possible goku merged with some dark entity to defeat another evil and he became after than evil itself?

My name says it all :3

I enjoyed this game alot, and there was alot to do, stuff to explorer, stuff to hunt down, secrets to uncover conent wise it was rich and fun... but i kinda wished we had little bit of romance in the story of FF 12. After awesome story we had in FFX. I expected something just as heartache, but like a magic trick,

watching this today... made me start watching the show for first time ever =p

my money is that guy who walked past the news guy at end of the video is one of the two >.>