
Trump’s note 4 years from now:

I can think of another new symbol that more accurately gauges fan interest

But you think you will give Titanfall 2 a chance, Heather?

The Crown (uh, OK?)

Not to worry, the Raven fans will continue to be antagonizing DBs.

And by the time next season starts, he’ll be 40 years old.

I think it’s a very lady-centric thing, like “Racist Presidential Conspiracy Theory For Her.” Basically jealous white women unable to handle the fact that a black woman may be ‘better’ than them, and so they go to dehumanization that’s even more powerful than racism - saying that she *gasp* USED TO BE A MAN! This has


The Mavs are extremely salty because they’ve been the better of the two teams (same state, conference, and division) for most of the last 20 years. Now that is decidedly not the case and, as the article notes, they just got their teeth kicked in by the Rockets for the fourth time this year (and first time since the

My, that’s some extreme economic anxiety!

Can’t speak for her (it’s different for everyone) but I can offer my story. For me, I was deeply depressed for most of my life. I hated myself and the world also seemed to hate me just as much. Some many years into this mind state, I eventually discovered that doing things as a woman (I experimented for 7 years prior

In addition to the few things that got mentioned in the article, there are a few areas about coming out as trans that didn’t get mentioned in this, that were probably weighing pretty heavily on her while she was trying to decide what to do.

It’s about more than “mean people” and about constant microaggressions that wear away at a person’s self-image. Being constantly misgendered, having your gender questioned and then, straight-up people being cruel contribute to an overall level of hostility that can wear a person down to nothing.

Totally hear you on that. The word parenting is...well, loaded is not the right term at all but like you were saying, it means more specific and vast responsibilities than just keeping an animal happy and healthy—not that that’s some easy task either. All of it requires a ton of patience that’s for sure so let me just

Faster than light communication: there’s communication relays in hyperspace.

You guys got Trump. We get the Switch. Fair trade?

Most people I know would be thrilled to get a letter from the President elect.

No. The abundance of white people willing to overlook his racist rhetoric in the name of “economic anxiety” and voted for him are how we got President Trump.