The unexpected fulfillment of an age-old riddle, “What’s black and white and red all over?”
The unexpected fulfillment of an age-old riddle, “What’s black and white and red all over?”
At least [Kareem Hunt] didn’t do something truly egregious, offensive and unforgivable; like take a knee during the anthem.
People are already saying shit like “well, it’s not like he “Ray Rice’d” her” and “it’s not that bad”. Because that’s pretty much the point the NFL is at right now. At least he didn’t do that. At least he didn’t brutally attack his pregnant girlfriend, or murder his girlfriend and then kill himself. Yeah, probably…
“That’s a cool trick, Anna. But let me show you how to make a first round pick disappear.” -Vlade Divac
But he isn’t denying his impact- simply saying he doesn’t care for a lot of his music. You can absolutely think someone is talented and impactful without personally enjoying their art.
I also know this site has become some far left progressive crapstorm, which wants every game to be some liberal political mouthpiece.
“Negative review” now = “vendetta.”
Got it.
I’ve never understood this reaction: “this reviewer doesn’t like what I like, and didn’t spend an inordinate amount of time fellating the game I want to be good, so they’re obviously biased!”
Reviews are—and always will be—constructs of opinion. I’m sure you know the well-trod…
Women fought in WW II.
This is established historical fact.
The delicate fee-fees of the armchair historians who’ve never cared to engage with the reality of the war beyond saying “I watched Band of Brothers five times” (and no insult to Band of Brothers; I own the Blu-Ray and DVD editions, it was that good) are not a…
Of course then Billy Madison tries to do you a solid by working up a chub of his own and telling all the kids that all the cool adults are rocking stiffies. And that was the last we’d heard from Billy. Which is why Eric gets to run Madison Hotels now.
Your name.
Good luck pawning off that parrot on relatives when it won’t stop screaming “Not like this” and “I’m not ready to go”.
Birds are good. Did you know that if you give a struggling cancer patient a bird, it magically transforms their cancer from being their number one worst affliction to their number two worst affliction?
They were just pullin for their team.
Like everything else about the Patriots, this story is listed as QUESTIONABLE.
Oh, I absolutely agree—and the interpretation that favors individual ownership isn’t going anywhere anytime soon. Even in our current environment (and god damn am I proud of “the youth” for really sticking to it this time, and demanding some goddamned action), it’s not going to change.’s still amusing to me to…
Shit, I teach it for a living, and I’d be lying through my teeth if I said I’m 100% certain of every little rule every time I speak or put pen to paper.
...and I definitely do not speak in correct English at all times. In my classroom, I do my best, but fuck it—a life without at least a few colloquialisms is a life…
I gotta Tell you....this comment is still as well thought out, thought provoking, and edgy as it was in 1995.
No, nor would I want her to. I’m happily married.
Defending another person doesn’t automatically equate to “perhaps senpai will notice me.” Sometimes, the shit other people catch is just the result of a bunch of entitled manchildren who haven’t figured out that their feefees aren’t emblematic of reality.
I kind of love two things:
1.) The no-fucks-given attitude (seriously, the way we in the US slut-shame women for revealing any part of their bodies—while having no problem whatsoever with bros putting on a “gun show”—is absolutely ludicrous).
2.) That one of her logos closely resembles the Brazzers logo.
Also worth…