The only thing more amazing than the fact that Ozzy is still alive is the fact that she managed to put up with all his bullshit for so many years.
The only thing more amazing than the fact that Ozzy is still alive is the fact that she managed to put up with all his bullshit for so many years.
Yeah, they’re not always batting 1.000. But I’ve always thought they did an admirable job of managing expectations/demands for what is really a monstrous, unwieldy beast at this point.
It kills me when people point to WoW’s sub numbers as evidence that somehow Blizz doesn’t listen to or care about their player base. This game wouldn’t still be extremely popular and economically viable 12 years after release if they DIDN’T do those things.
Although I haven’t played for a few years, I used to play WoW very intensely and raided at a high level. Although I certainly had complaints from time to time, I always thought Blizz did an admirable job of communicating/listening to their player base. With a game this large and complex it’s impossible to please…
10. Over hard
Things that are equally painful but take less than an hour:
Hand to God, my accountant’s name is Hank Finkel.
It’s uninstalling itself and reinstalling 8.1?
“Wait for it.”
Fair enough! I absolutely understand everything you said, and most games worth playing are cross-platform these days. Just feel bad that you missed out on those Naughty Dog gems.
their best days may very well be behind them
Honest question, not trying to troll. Why have you not owned a Sony console since the PSX? Just don’t play console games at all, or you have an issue with Sony specifically? There have just been a ton of great games on the Sony platform in the past 15 years.
Game came out like 14 years ago. At some point a statute of limitations applies.
Yeah, and that might tie into her current narrative as well. She has to learn that she can’t save everyone and by leaving her “children” behind when she goes to Westeros she has taken a large step towards being the badass she’ll have to be to reclaim the Iron Throne.
I think Martin’s original plan was for her to post up in Slaver’s Bay for awhile and learn how to rule, so she could be more prepared for her eventual invasion/rule of Westeros. But it got away from him, and Dany’s storyline has been mired in quicksand for some time. I agree it seems she’s flailing and not learning…
You should absolutely do that. These monsters pray on women who are vulnerable and likely not terribly educated about all their options. They wouldn’t know how to deal with a woman who actually knew what she was talking about.
Yep, and my mind immediately started thinking of different ways to die hilariously at a CS tournament. I’ve settled on tripping over a bank of cords, falling backwards off the stage with your arms flailing, before landing on the craft services table and sending a giant pot of soup into the air where it drenches the…
“Ha ha, this isn’t us. Totally different Konami! C’mon, that’s crazy. Ha ha.”
Plot twist: the officiant is actually just 3 gnomes standing on each other’s shoulders under a long robe. The marriage isn’t binding! Fuck the Horde!
It’s an interesting idea that I hadn’t considered much until someone pointed it out yesterday. They might go that route on the show although it seems that would make an already convoluted plot even murkier. In the books Meera is described as a pretty typical Crannog Man appearance-wise.