GG Tim Allin

You’re goddamned right- he and Ham (I think was Ironside’s name in the series) brought a certain level of mercenary charm that greatly appealed to 12 year old me when it first aired.

I thought for sure this was the “a polar bear fell on me” guy from Roadhouse and was prepared to question the stated cause of death, but apparently my first impression was incorrect. Tinker lives (I assume)!

He was the drummer on “Just Dropped In (To See What Condition My Condition Was In)”, which makes for another Jeff Bridges connection.

Yeah - I knew I knew him from somewhere!


I remember them completely dropping the Visitors’ moog-like voice modulations because, hey, post-production foley is expensive

That’s where I remember him from too. I know people had problems with the weekly series, but I enjoyed it.


The ‘83 Miniseries still holds up. The Final Battle does not. We will not speak of the full season iterations.

That’s where I first knew him from too! I kept waiting for him to get offed but he never was.

That should’ve been Beckham’s name, seeing as how she looks like Mathilda May kissed her.

No siree, no reason to believe he isn’t in favor or equal rights for LGBTQ people:


Republican in the front, skinhead in the back.

Ziggy thought he had only 5 years, but Dave knew he had almost 45 when that album came out.

Businesses end up doing more harm than good in cases like this. It encourages more bad behavior. Let the assholes complain, they’ll be the ones who look like assholes at the end of the day. Reward the good customers, and they’ll be loyal for life.

I’m assuming her comments haven’t been discussed on Fox and Friends yet.

or the time I discovered washing my hands three times after cutting up some habaneros was, um, insufficient.

I’m not particularly concerned what Trevor Noah thinks. I’m concerned about the millions of American citizens who are so fucking stupid they STILL can’t see that they’re being played like a gong by a criminal enterprise with a barely-literate con man at the controls. I thought I was cynical about the public’s lack of

If this were the first step toward a dictatorship, I’d say it was tongue-in-cheek. But this isn’t the first step. He’s painted the press as his enemy. He’s systematically destroying government agencies by placing ignorant people in charge of them. He’s praising police brutality and saying white supremacists are “good