GG Tim Allin


Damn this one hurts. Frasier is one of my favorite TV shows of all time and I bet a ton of my favorite episodes are simply because of how endearing and real Martin was. RIP John Mahoney and thank you for the laughs. 

I don’t know from Fraiser, but goddamn did I like his character in “Barton Fink” (his character being a thinly veiled nod to William Faulkner).

Aww, man...loved John Mahoney’s work. Martin Crane was obviously a career highlight as he was the perfect salt of the earth foil for his two prim and proper sons. It seems like he was constantly 77 on the show, surprised to realize he was only in his 50s for most of the show.

Appeared with Alex Jones’ is the new ‘Became a Scientologist’.

RIP Martin :(

So sorry to hear this. Both his character and Roz’s ability to ground the brothers (while also keeping up with their verbal jabbing) was what made Frasier such an enjoyable show.

I hope Mahoney knew how much joy he brought to 90s television viewers. And that Martin is enjoying Ballantine in that Great Barcalounger in

Hospice care? Damn, I didn’t know he was sick. RIP, John Mahoney. I will always love your role as Martin Crane. That was one of my favorite sitcoms of all time. I still watch reruns when I am out of town.

a universe where renewable energy like solar and wind power was forbidden by capital punishment?

Same person?

The Super Bowl only got 10x the ratings of every other TV show instead of 11x. Yep, must be on its last legs.

Holy crap did they ever lay it on thick with that propaganda, and saying it was all thanks to Trump. Fox News has really reached that point where they’ll say he’s responsible for everything that isn’t the slightest bit negative. Sunny day outside? Thank Trump. No rush hour traffic? All thanks to Trump! What’s that?

Cadet Bone Spurs hides behind the troops skirts while discouraging peaceful protest. Fascists and Friends applauds.

Gotta hand it to F&F. They are still able to speak English while giving the presidential penis full oral attention. That’s a skill.

As a nation we pay our enlisted military personnel terrible wages, subject them to a lifestyle that puts terrible stress on their families and personal well being, including sending many on repeated combat tours that can leave physical and emotional scars that may last a lifetime, and often provide few support

Kim Jung Un approves of Faux attempts to make the great leader feel better this morning. It is the duty of the media to say the leader’s farts smell of perfume and that he pisses gold.

“My husband can’t throw and catch the ball at the same time” -Gisele

Tom Brady: somehow the one white guy on the Pats who *can’t* catch a pass

Where the hell do you think the commemorative Super Bowl coins are coming from?

It’s just easier for the actor to emote and create a connection with the audience if his face isn’t covered. This is just the way it is, deal with it.* They do it with all masked superheroes to a certain extent, but Spider-Man most of all because his mask covers his face in totality. Iron Man’s does too, but they can