GG Tim Allin

Donald Glover looks badass!

He was pretty good in “American Psycho” though.

Don Jr:

The very fact that Don Jr. (the Don Jr. of the extremely punchable face) has to use the word “revenge” in describing the Nunes memo speaks volumes about the Trump family and what a bunch of fucking imbeciles they are...every fucking one of them. Revenge is a concept and a word used only by dictators...or in the Trump

One thing is for sure, no one in the Trump family read or understood the memo.

What’s most galling to me in all of this is the fact that far too many members of the American electorate will hear “this is sweet revenge,” and believe it, because that’s what they want to hear.

Make absolutely no mistake: Democrat-leaning voters do this shit too, when it benefits their worldview.

Confirmation bias is

Carter Page could go to a police station to file a stolen wallet complaint and end up somehow getting arrested for the DB Cooper hijacking.

Hillary Clinton has been under investigation by the entire GOP for the last 30 years.

Humor is subjective. Skits that ‘hit’ for me are often shredded by the commentariat, and vice versa.

Pictured below, ICE agents hard at work, keeping us safe.

I’m curious to know how fake merchandise “endangers public health”.

You have to admit, ICE is a much catchier and hipper acronym than SS ever was.

I had to read this sentence about ten times to figure out what the hell it was saying.

The problem with this is that is coming from a guy who wants you to believe his believe his tan is real, his hair is real, his erections are real, his marriage is real, his billions of dollars are real, his intelligence is real, his loyalty to the America is real, and his university was real.

Because others like an artist more than I do, I want that artist destroyed!

This is an American disgrace!

Actually they DID leave him alone with the memo for several hours, so he could totally really read & digest it. That’s the hilarious part!! Its 3 pages, he had hours to read it, and this was still his takeaway. Proving, once again, that (a) Trump can’t read, and (b) he already has his wishful thinking lined up, so

Who is that chiseled, sexy man in the header photo? He looks like Russell Crowe crossed with someone who didn’t recently eat an entire Russell Crowe.

If you are wondering how he is going to sort through all of the paperwork, Walker says he’s got aides.