GG Tim Allin

If this was done to Hillary or, any other woman, liberals would be in the streets, dressed as vaginas and calling for the death of the cartoonist and the TV show host


Because the typical Fox viewer and Alt-Right member doesnt give a shit that it says absolutely nothing.... they simply hear that it says everything and are convinced.

You all do realize that Trump only released this report because the TeeVee told him to. He’s like Son of Sam, but instead of a dog, it’s Sean Hannity.

Yes, the FBI is biased against Trump, which is why they released the reopening-the-investigation letter and swung the election in his favor. It was all misdirection to conceal their unwavering support for Hillary!

This? This was it? This was their Hail Mary pass to take down the Russia Investigation and vindicate Trump?

Truth. I couldn’t outwardly acknowledge it until I was 48. Part of the culture of masculinity forces you to keep that shit buried deep because being a male victim “means you’re weak” ... even if the abuse happened during childhood.

Repost, but applicable.

Now playing

In case you don’t want to read it, here’s a concise summary:

Oh man, after finally reading it it’s even dumber than we’d imagined. What a wet fart Nunes has produced here.

No. That song is cloying horseshit. Whether it’s about heroin or dogs, or dogs using heroin, it sucks all the balls

Oh, this is all sad and heartbreaking, but if I die next to my silicon doll suddenly I am a loser and a freak.

THAT. Is too soon.

No, just Christopher Walken, who shook hands with Wagner, and saw a horrific vision of what he might do as a 90 year old, and decided to stop him now.

“solidarity no longer had a place in France. I do not think we could have seen these scenes in Germany, where common sense exists more.”

I’m actually kind of surprised that BillO is having such a difficult time finding his footing. Sure, he was let go from Fox for repeated sexual harassment allegations. But let’s face it, no O’Reilly Republican has made that their line in the sand.

Nope, you’re a thief. Those bottles are communal for customers eating in. It would be like taking the salt and pepper shakers or ketchup bottle from another restaurant.