GG Tim Allin

The movie isn’t set in America.

Hey asshole, where does this article say anything about left or right?  Do you think conservatives don’t get allergies?

Unfortunately for us one full episode will be devoted to Billy doing bicep curls while smoking and listening to Ratt’s “Out of the Cellar”.

“Roux doesn’t belong in gumbo”

I’ve seen some commenters here say that the fact that Woody “only” molested one child is somehow enough evidence that he didn’t even do that. I think this is Law and Order: SUV’s fault. Somehow we all now believe we are experts on child molesters and their behavior and we just KNOW that there MUST be more because NO

I didn’t love the movie, but god, the reactions from people who wanted some clearer moral judgement upon the characters, just, ugh. I hate the way people watch movies now. It’s so uptight and judgmental and just the utter inability to surrender oneself to the art and let it do its thing, not to mention an astounding

“He says he’s innocent, and I think you have to remember that,” Trump said.

Words don’t really mean anything anymore. So strange.

“He says he’s innocent, and I think you have to remember that,”

It’s been fairly common knowledge since before the election that he can’t read, or—if he can—it is at a very, very low level.

And this is what Jeffery Dahmers’ YouTube channel would have looked like had he’d been born 30 years later than he was.

North and South Korea(who are our allies, btw) are a unified delegation for the Olympics. Maybe being the bigger man and standing for our allies should mean more than trying to stick to ole’ Un, no?

Pence probably didn’t stand because he didn’t want mother to see the huge boner he got after watching the shirtless bobsledder from Tongo march into the stadium.

Is this article serious? Really?

...they never said anything about “Evil will forever show upon it” though!

That would be a more effective method of blackmail, too.

This is such an inappropriate response to everything listed above. Don’t fucking “meh” women coming forward about sexual harassment and assault.

Use the slogan “Happiness is Savory.”

“Margaritaville” is such a sad song. I don’t know how people can listen to it and decide to emulate its protagonist, who literally spends two-thirds of the song trying to convince himself that someone other than himself is to blame for his current state of despair. It’s one of the saddest drinking songs ever, right up

“It’s boobs in boobland here”