GG Tim Allin

No thanks. I don’t want to die of alcohol poisoning.

Sure, I get that. It’s like Van Halen’s green M&Ms - if the concert promoter can’t get the M&M thing right can they be trusted for safety things like lighting and rigging?

Fun fact: over 35% of Trump’s Twitter followers are fake.

Does that mean we can suspend Trump’s presidency for bot voters?

I’m all for making fun of the guy online, but I’m not sure that I agree that buying followers deserves any consequences beyond being laughed at. Am I missing something here?

All of Trump’s Wives: He Cheats Like Hell.

Aside from the fact the the Athletic Department thoroughly corrupted the Title IX department to do their bidding, which allowed Nassar to do so as well? Aside from the 19 football players, 6 basketball players, and one coach who have been revealed to have been potentially involved with violent and sexual crimes versus

“mice study” makes me think of mice in little lab coats around a tiny chemistry set, taking tiny little notes..

I suspect because (1) she fears that talk of “buying followers” and Twitter will convince her lemmings that she’s just another East Coast liberal media plant, and (2) why come clean and risk that when you can just throw out another conservative dog whistle like “liberal media” that will have your brainless followers

In Cleveland? I didn’t know they still had a team.

I’n mot seeimg the problen.

I’m shocked that all of these terrible people have actively unfulfilling love lives.

It has to be able to protect occupants in case of nuclear attack

This should be great, hopefully they go deep into Mr. Rogers infamous past as a deadly Navy SEAL sniper with a record number of confirmed kills.

“Surprisingly, Trump is not to blame.”

Remarkably stupid comment, thank you.

I don’t understand the question.

Britt McHenry made me side with a tow trucking company. I hate her for that.

They way she acts around him, it feels like they’re divorced in all but name.

If Kimmel were smart he’d film early and get clips out there just before Trump starts the State of the Union. Get him all wound up so he goes off the teleprompter and has a meltdown. #goodtv