GG Tim Allin

You can spend all day debating the meaning of “created” but the ISIL we all know and love, the one that was able to rapidly defeat the republican Iraqi army, was only able to do so because of the Bush admins decision to not only invade and create a power vacuum, but also because he and his genius heritage foundation

welcome to Universe 453-B

“I haven`t read the comics since I realized Beetle Bailey was never actually gonna shoot somebody.” — Jimmy James, NewsRadio

Blondie is great because when ever someone complains that every movie these days is a sequel, remake or comic book adaptation, I point out that there were thirty Blondie movies.

Nowdays when you secretly record the villain saying something incriminating he becomes president.

“extremely close to blowing up the whole deep state” - these goobers seem to get their idea of how governments fall from 80's movies where somebody secretly records a the villain saying something incriminating and then plays it for the crowd at the climax.

Yep, the best way to silence a man that has a radio and television show is to surreptitiously pull the plug on his Twitter account.

Remember back at the start, when the internet was supposed to be the best of everything, shared by the best of everybody, making the world a more connected and better place?

I believe the joke after he was elected was “He’s draining the swamp right into the Oval Office.”

I sincerely hope to see dolt45 waving exactly like that from within his very own prison cell in Guantánamo Bay, Guantánamo Province, Cuba
Just as durn-soon as possible

Does it really give more jobs to actors. If it wasn’t this dumb show, another show would fill the void, with its complement of actors. It’s not like they’d leave the timeslot empty.

Waaaaaaaaay ahead of you

Both those things happened on regular Magnum.

Stupid rape victims not following procedure!

Amen. The enduring legacy of Penn St isn’t just Sandusky and JoPa, it’s their vile fan base that to this day place football over rape victims.

Well, time to put my money where my mouth is.

Now it’s time for DeVos to resign.

Sean Hannity if he was alive in 1941......

why bother, he isnt worth that level of thought.

Eh, I think Sean Hannity is one of the true believers in Trumpist nativism.