GG Tim Allin

And the internet reacts, “Well... duh!”

So basically, “no i didn’t do that, no i didn’t do that no i didn’t do that, yes i did it but what’s the big deal.”

Because it’s hollow

“Also, we have sources now confirming that yeah, maybe Donald Trump wanted to fire the special counsel for conflict. Does he not have the right to raise those questions?” Hannity asked. “You know, we’ll deal with this tomorrow night.”

“We are having issues raising money for it...”

Presenting the award for Best Actress is last year’s Best Actor winner, Casey Affleck

This is why we can’t have nice things. Judging by what she said, S.E. Hinton is an asshole at worst. She didn’t get upset about the idea of slash fiction; she was rightly annoyed at fans who DEMANDED that she pretend her characters are CANONICALLY gay, and then acted defensively when they had a fit. Being an asshole

But like, this isn’t a matter of “Obviously, she’s racist, she’s a conservative” it’s “We literally have thousands of hours of her being on TV, she’s clearly an asshole”.

I guess we’re still pretending to be “horrified” by innocuous things then? Seems weird when three dozen legit horrifying things happen every day now.

There’s a dark side to this reveal. We’ve never seen her as a Muppet Adult!

“Oh, shit, we gave him attention and he’s not going away!”

No one is arguing that you aren’t free to say what you want. They’re arguing that what you say and think is fucking stupid.

and she’s free to tell you how it actually is and that your interpretation is wrong. deal with it and move on.

Nah, pretty much just you. And its because you are, objectively, an idiot.

This guy is an idiot that thinks literally everything is homophobic or racist or...whatever ist. Seems to be the only joy they get in life. Its bizarre.

“Let me be very clear: the fact that you’re basically accusing the president of being complicit in a school shooting is outrageous.”

God you’re such an annoying douche.

“Ghost toy store” sounds like a solid horror movie plot. I don’t know if that’s a store that sells toys to ghosts or a toy store that has ghosts but either way . . .

Most of them got put to work in coal mines and died. SAD.

Fuck that. Ralph Macchio’s career ended when he got arrested for shooting the clerk in Alabama.