GG Tim Allin

Guy molests children, dickhead finds fault with angry judge. Film at 11.

Well, this comment sure as shit backfired. You somehow worked the word humblebrag to a comment meant to condemn a judge who just put a motherfucker away forever. Dumb, bad, ill advised comment.

This is the hill you choose to fight on??

Holy shit, thanks! I had (have minus the scepter, sword, shield and helmet{he is also an amputee at one elbow from some war that took place in my youth}) a Crystar the Crystal warrior toy and never knew it was a comic based toy.

I have no inside knowledge, and I’ll probably get this totally wrong, but I’ve gotta think it snowballed. They tried to cover up the first few reports to cover their own asses, then the next few, and then they realized the problem was way bigger than their pathetic, self-serving, miserable, piece of shit organization

I bet if you didn’t pay his bond this second time around, he might get the idea, jackass.

So your argument is “it’s ok because he’s incompetent.” Noted.

You mean the party that actively courts Nazis and white nationalists? Yes, that’s an entirely equivalent situation.

President Trump has responded by saying that there are people on all sides with guns, so therefore this man should be the new head of the ATF

Wait, so the president of the United States actively trying to discredit the media has negative effects?

why the fuck you think Trump wanted to look in their dressing room? Cuz he was interested in their qualifications?

But this is easily remedied if you have access to pudding and a freezer.

I dunno - acetaminophen can cause acute liver failure. Accidental cannabis ingestion can lead to an unpleasant experience, but it’s not going to hurt anybody (as noted here, the kids were all OK).

Meryl Streep is a great actress but this “gets nominated just for showing up” thing she’s got going every year is a bit ridiculous

None of the people I’ve ever heard call Jane Fonda “Hanoi Jane” were veterans.

I watched the Vietnam documentary with my Vietnam vet dad and when the topic of “Hanoi Jane” came up he quickly said “oh who cares.”

And is neo-hitler showed any sort of reluctance what so ever to go to war your point might be valid, however he seems intent to get us into one war another between his middle east fucktardery and his dick measuring contest with the north korean crazy.

He doesn’t get a pass because war sucks when he doesn’t give a shit

Sure, I support people who are conscientious objectors too. But to dodge the the draft, then attack others who actually did serve, while risking people who are currently serving? Uh, no. No sympathy there.