GG Tim Allin

You didn’t have a box of Kraft Macaroni and cheese you could sacrifice the pouch of cheese from?

This rant was considerably longer and more annoying to read than Barsanti’s brief aside. How about you leave us alone and just let people talk about Steven Spielberg movies?

Guys like this are so frightened of having a true meritocracy because they know if it wasn’t for a rich daddy they wouldn’t be doing shit.

..or better yet, “I’m the least racist person you’ve interviewed”

At 00:00:10 seconds into her YouTube response:

Pro-lifers are really only pro-life in two specific circumstances: abortion and the right to die. Everything else (sending soldiers off to war, capital punishment, reducing aid to needy families, hunger relief, gun control, etc) they are decidedly not “pro-life.”

Trump will be regarded as the greatest POTUS of the modern era.

The modern GOP is taking their negotiating tactics from National Lampoon, apparently. The only difference is the GOP would pull the trigger.

I just want to thank Deadspin and Jezebel for giving this the frontline attention it needs and deserves. Other outlets are giving it so little attention relative to its importance it is very disheartening.  I listen to the radio in the morning on the way to work and you would have little idea this was happening if

Now, here is the kicker: Once Perry got Carlson all riled up by tickling his “terrorist nexus,” Perry was asked for proof to substantiate some of his bold claims. The Daily Beast notes that Perry was unable to provide any actual evidence to support his statement, saying that he was “not able” to reveal anything.

Today’s GOP doesn’t have to prove its claims. Just call the other side fake, say whatever plays to the base. The followers lap it up.

If my grandkids ever ask me what it was like to live during the Obama years, I’ll just show them a two-second clip of Bill O’Reilly spitting out the word “arugula” like it killed his mother.

Ladies and gentlemen, may I present the Republican Party: “the party of family values.”

Not true, he has his own charitable foundations that he launders money through.

So, not wanting to get shot and killed is being a pussy. Got it.

Pizza tide pods have existed for decades. They are called...

Or they just use the whole car to murder you.

For a guy who uses his military experience as a selling point in his campaigns ads, he sure acts like a total fucking coward.