GG Tim Allin

You can toss out the mountain - no mountain range - of crap that has been revealed about this cartoon character.

Heh, remember when everyone kvetched about Nazis being the big bads in the final season, like that was a ridiculous thing? So young...

I imgained this:

Even that is generous

There’s some confusion and mis-remembering that often happens here. Crystal Pepsi’s widespread debut was at the beginning of 1993, as a clear cola. After it failed, Pepsi reformulated it into a clear citrus-cola hybrid they released in late 1994, marketed as “Crystal, from Pepsi” with nearly identical package design

Lactose-free milk *is* more expensive, but one of the pluses people usually fail to mention is that due to the lactose-removal process (which includes additional pasteurization) it lasts FOREVER. Instead of 10 days or so, the expiration is well over a month away. If you throw away a lot of unused milk, this could help

Well it’s a country club, so you know they don’t let Hebrew National through those doors.

It’s almost as if I’m completing that Form 1120-S myself!

I take it someone moved from shipping Jack Chick tracts over to Vistaprint?

Why the fuck would anyone want to use that?

Holy shit. I have a small show that I just started (A movie review show about the Video Nasties. Please come throw me a sub so I can get over this fucking 1K number) and I only do it as a hobby. I have no notions of getting big or even turning the ads on - it’s out of love for movies that I do this, not to get

She is brave for doing this because she will be attacked mercilessly online.

How much money is she borrowing to be Educated but basically the same stupid at the end of the day?

Since shameless grandstanding is the only thing this administration seems to understand, it’s time to take the fight back to them.

Rebekahzula Mercer: I can see your whole history in your eyes. You were born with nothing. So you’ve had to struggle and connive and claw your way to power. But true power, the divine right to rule, is something you’re born with. The truth is: they don’t know which one of us is going to be sitting down on that throne,

You have no actual proof of that or that I just threw up under my desk.

He was absolutely tacky. And we’ve all been there. But to call this an “assault” diminishes assault and removes agency from women. (Not arguing at you - just thinking out loud!)

I am so sick of whataboutism. Their logic: “i can do or say anything as long someone someplace once in human history did something bad” Will she bring up Nero or Pol Pot or Atilla soon?

Has a first lady ever done less? How’d that anti-online bullying campaign go? Did she fix it? She must’ve because I haven’t heard her say anything about it in months.

I kind of hit on it, but I don’t think anyone (at least those with reasonable thought processes) is surprised that he is racist, it’s more that it is hard to believe that he just can’t stop saying racist and other horrible things. Most racists are able to keep their thoughts contained in their heads. The President of